TSC Lesson Observation Form for teachers: New TPAD 2 free forms downloads

All Teachers employed by the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, are required to be appraised on termly basis. The Commission has developed a new Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD 2) system.

Part of the appraisal requires that a teacher be observed atleast once in a term and a Lesson Observation Form be filled. Lesson observation portal is provided in TPAD online system.

The observer is required to enter the marks on the online lesson observation portal after observing a teacher. This is a compulsory target the online appraisal will remain incomplete to at least 97% if the marks on the duly filled lesson observation form (LOF) are not uploaded on the teacher’s online appraisal.

According to TSC, there should always be a preparatory meeting before the lesson observation and a feedback session after the lesson observation.


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The Lesson Observation Form contains the following fields:

  1. Name of School
  2. Teacher’s details: Name and TSC Number
  3. Observer’s Name and TSC Number
  4. Class/ Form/ Grade
  5. Total Number of Learners present during the lesson
  6. Lesson Time and Date
  7. Subject/Learning Area and Topic/Strand
  8. Observation Areas and the Performance Indicators to be appraised:
  • Introduction and Lesson Organisation: Review of the previous lesson/content related to the current lesson, State the objective of the current lesson, Link the previous lesson to the current lesson, Quality of introduction and captivating/ capture learners interest.
  • Content Delivery: Mastery of content in line with the syllabus, Answering of students questions accurately, Teaching with lesson notes and lesson plan summarized the lesson by highlighting the key points, Covering the lesson within the stipulated time (Started on time and ended on time).
  • Teaching Methods/ Techniques: Use of appropriate teaching methods (Question and answer, Demonstration, experimentation, Discussion/Group work, Field work); Use of appropriate teaching/learning aids; Use of varied teaching methods; Demonstrate innovation and creativity in teaching; Ability to simulate learners.
  • Learner Involvement and Communication: Answering and asking question; Observation; discussion and presentation; experimentation; Field work/presentation; Discovery/presentation.
  • Classroom Management: Arrangement of desks to enable a teacher to reach an
    individual student; Moving in class to observe students work; Marking/checking students in class; No chorus answers/knowing learners by name; Cleanliness of the classroom.

The Total score for this form is 100%.

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