TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia at a past event.
TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia at a past event.

Attending TSC Promotion interviews this week? See best guide here

The 2025 Teachers Service Commission, TSC, interviews continue this week at all the 47 Counties. Several teachers will be attending the interview sessions with the hope of getting promoted to the next job group.

As you prepare for the interviews, this is all that you need to know.

Documents to carry to the TSC promotion interview

Carry the following documents and arrange them in the order given below:

1. Your National Identify Card. This will be used to verify your age. Teachers with more years earn more marks as seen on the official TSC promotions interviews scoresheet.
2. Your highest Qualification Certificate. A bachelor’s degree will earn you one mark while a master’s degree gives 2 marks.
3. Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) marking letter.
4. Any letter to proof that you have acted as a Deputy or Principal. Carry two copies of the letter as one will be retained by the interviewing committee.
5. Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD) summaries for 2021, 2022 and 2023. Calculate the average scores.

6. Your last TSC promotion letter. This will be used to calculate the number of years that you have stayed in the current grade; since you were last promoted.

2025 TSC Promotions Interviews Score sheet for Secondary School teachers
2025 TSC Promotions Interviews Score sheet for Secondary School teachers

Promotion Interview Questions.

Not much will be asked during the interview sessions. But here is what to expect:

1. What is your name?
2. When were you born?
3. What is your home County, working county and sub county.
4. Name of your current working station?

This is just to test you presentation and confidence in order to earn the one mark on the marking scheme.

The interview session will last for a maximum of five minutes.

TSC Promotions Interviews Score sheet.

This is the promotion scoresheet used by the Commission in this year’s interviews.

Academic Qualification

Masters -5 Marks
Degree โ€“ 3 Marks
Diploma โ€“ 1 Mark

Knec Examiner

4 Marks

Length of Stay in Current Grade

7 years and above โ€“ 50 Marks
6 years โ€“ 40 Marks
5 years โ€“ 30 Marks
4 years โ€“ 20 Marks
3 years โ€“ 10 Marks

TPAD Rating

81+ 10 Marks
61- 80 โ€“ 8 Marks
41-60 โ€“ 6 Marks
21 โ€“ 40 โ€“ 4 Marks
1- 20 โ€“ 2 Marks

Age of teacher.

55+ years 30 Marks
50-54 โ€“ 26 Marks
45-49 โ€“ 22 Marks
40-44 โ€“ 18 Marks
30-39 โ€“ 14 Marks

Presentation by the teacherย 

1 โ€“ Mark

Those successful will be contacted to pick their promotion letters and will be posted to schools where there are vacancies.

The unsuccessful ones will be issued with regret letters and can try their luck next time. TSC was allocated sh 1 billion for promoting teachers this year.

TSC is facing mass retirements of teachers end of June and August this year and the promotions seek to address the numerous vacancies left by HOIโ€™s and DHOIโ€™s who retired and others planned to exit this year.

Those successful will produce the five Chapter 6 documents to complete their promotions.

Chapter 6 of the constitution requires that persons working for the public sector, otherwise known as state officials, exhibit leadership and integrity.

As a result, employers need clearance certificates to confirm that the employee exhibits personal integrity, competence and suitability.

Below are the five documents that are mandatory inline with Chapter six of the Kenyan Constitution on โ€˜Leadership and Integrityโ€™.

Valid Certificate of Good Conduct from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI)
Clearance Certificate from the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB)
Tax Compliance Certificate from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)
Clearance from Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC)
A Clearance Certificate from an approved Credit Reference Bureau (CRB)


Kindly note that the number of documents to present depends on nature of the promotion vacancy. Classroom teacher will have less documents compared to those seeking higher administrative positions.

1) Original Identity Card (ID)

2) Original academic certificates (KCSE, PTE, Diploma and Degree certificates)

3) Letter of appointment to current grade

4) Latest payslip

5) Last promotional letter

6) Letter assigning responsibility of HOI/DHOI

7) Performance appraisal reports (TPAD) for 2021, 2022, 2023

8) Any other testimonials


1) Valid Certificate of Good Conduct from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI)

2) Clearance Certificate from the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB)

3) Tax Compliance Certificate from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)

4) Clearance from Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC)

5) A Clearance Certificate from an approved Credit Reference Bureau (CRB)


1. 5/2024 Chief Principal (Regular School) T- Scale 15 Grade D5 Vacancies 44

2. 6/2024 Chief Principal (TTC) T- Scale 15 Grade D5 Vacancies 3

3. 7/2024 Senior Principal (Regular School) T- Scale 14 Grade D4 Vacancies 126

4. 8/2024 Senior Principal (TTC) T- Scale 14 Grade D4 Vacancies 3

5. 9/2024 Principal (Regular School) T- Scale 13 Grade D3 Vacancies 652

6. 10/2024 Deputy Principal I (TTC) T- Scale 13 Grade D3 Vacancies 3

7. 11/2024 Deputy Principal II (Secondary School) T- Scale 12 Grade D2 Vacancies 786

8. 12/2024 Senior Lecturer I (TTC) T-Scale 12 Grade D2 13

9. 13/2024 Deputy Principal III(Regular School) T- Scale 11 Grade D1 Vacancies 1,408

10. 14/2024 Senior Lecturer II (TTC) T- Scale 11 Grade D1 Vacancies 32

11. 15/2024 Senior Master II (secondary SNE) T- Scale 11 Grade D1 Vacancies 2

12. 16/2024 Senior Master III (Regular School) T- Scale 10 Grade C5 Vacancies 1,987

13. 17/2024 Senior Lecturer III (TTC) T- Scale 10 Grade C5 Vacancies 61

14. 18/2024 Senior Master III (secondary SNE) T- Scale 10 Grade C5 Vacancies 6

15. 19/2024 Senior Master IV T- Scale 9 Grade C4 Vacancies 2,221

16. 20/2024 Senior Lecturer IV (TTC) T- Scale 9 Grade C4 Vacancies 70

17. 21/2024 Secondary Teacher I(Diploma teachers only) T- Scale 8 Grade C3 Vacancies 184

18. 22/2024 Lecturer 1 T-Scale 8 Grade C3 Vacancies 7

19. 23/2024 Senior Head teacher (Regular) T- Scale 11 Grade D1 Vacancies 254

20. 24/2024 Senior Head teacher (SNE) T- Scale 11 Grade D1 Vacancies 7

21. 25/2024 Head-Teacher (Regular School) T- Scale 10 Grade C5 Vacancies 2,130

22. 26/2024 Head Teacher (SNE Primary School) T- Scale 10 Grade C5 Vacancies 33

23. 27/2024 Deputy Head-teacher II (Regular Primary School) T- Scale 9 Grade C4 Vacancies 3,653

24. 28/2024 Deputy Head-teacher II (SNE) T- Scale 9 Grade C4 Vacancies 33

25. 29/2024 Senior Teacher I (Regular Primary School) T- Scale 8 Grade C3 Vacancies 4,703

26. 30/2024 Senior Teacher I (SNE Primary School) T- Scale 8 Grade C3 Vacancies 77

27. 31/2024 Senior Teacher II (Regular Primary School) T- Scale 7 Grade C2 Vacancies 1,364

28. 32/2024 Senior Teacher II (SNE Primary School) T- Scale 7 Grade C2 Vacancies 81

TOTAL 19,943