Junior Secondary is part of middle school. Junior Secondary comprises of Grade 7, 8, 9. ย There are core and optional subjects in Grade 7, 8, and 9. ย Core subjects are mandatory and they include:
- English
- Kiswahili or Kenyan Sign Language
- Mathematics
- Integrated Science
- Health Education
- Pre-Technical and Pre-Career Education
- Social Studies
- Religious Education
- Business Studies
- Agriculture
- Life Skills
- Sports and Physical Education
Ministry of Education registration guidelines for public and private Junior Secondary Schools 2023
Final Registration Guidelines For Junior Secondary Schools 2023
Optional Subjects
Learners should do a minimum of one and maximum of two optional subjects which include:
- Visual Arts
- Performing Arts
- Home Science
- Computer Science
- Foreign Languages (German, French, Mandarin, or Arabic)
- Kenyan Sign Language
- Indigenous Languages
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Get all the News on Junior Secondary Schools here.
Education Ministry, TSC in a rush to prepare for learners in Junior Secondary (Grade 7)
CBC Junior Secondary Subjects (Grade 7, 8, 9)