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Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E.)



Paper 2


  • Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided.
  • Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
  • Answer all questions in this question paper.
  • Answers to all questions must be written in the spaces provided in this booklet.

For Examiner’s Use Only

























Total Score




QUESTION 1                                                                                                            (20mks)

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow

Cities and towns are experiencing massive population growth the world over receiving huge numbers of migrants ever year.

In 1950, urban population accounted for only 29 percent of the world population, according to the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). At the turn of the century, the figure had risen to  45percent. This was enough to declare the Twentieth Century the century of urbanization and city life. Now the figure is projected to hit 70 percent by 2025.

In Africa, urbanization is most intense in Algeria, Tunisia and South Africa, which have more than 50 percent of their population living in urban areas. Generally, cities in the developing world are growing at a rate of 3.5 per cent per annum.

These figures indicate that there is a continuous massive movement of people from rural to urban areas worldwide. Driven by the desire for better living conditions, they flock to cities in droves in search of greener pastures. But, slowly the illusion disappears, and is replaced by harsh realities of urbanism: unemployment or underemployment, crime, poverty, hunger and life in the slums.

To cope with this fast – moving wave of rural flight requires new strategies for urban planning and the use of urban spaces. Thus urban planners, policymakers and governments seek pragmatic and timely ways of addressing this challenge. The process of urbanization transforms land use and farming systems, patterns of labour force participation, infrastructural requirements, and natural resource systems. When cities grow, their population expands, putting a strain on food production.

As a way of easing the food shortage, many urban households, particularly the poor, have taken to growing food on small plots. Today, if you take a walk through some of the residential estates in Nairobi such as Ngara, Eastleigh and Buru Buru, you might be forgiven for thinking that a green revolution is under way. And on the outskirts of the city, green – houses and ponds compete for space with small gardens planted with flowers, vegetables and fruits. Banana plants and palm trees dwarf wrought – iron gates, their green dotting the skyline, Kale, cabbage and maize gardens sprout in the middle of urban squalor. In this unusual rare blend, urban features and rural agrarian patterns are combined in a new form of settlement and one might call ‘garden cities.’

Although it is often not given much attention, urban agriculture is steadily increasing. The practice involves cultivating, processing and distributing food in and around a town or city. It also encompasses an array of activities including horticulture, aquaculture, animal husbandry and bee keeping.

  1. What are the challenges facing major cities and towns (2mks)




  1. What does the mention of 70% by 2025 reveal?                                                (2mks)




  1. What do we learn about urbanization in Africa from the passage (2 mks)



  1. Mention the reason for rural to urban migration       (2mks)



  1. How are urban households easing the problems of food shortage? (3 mks)




  1. What is meant by the term ‘garden city?’                                                          (1mk)



  1. In note form, list the influences of urbanization             (4 mks)





  1. Urban populations accounted for only 29% of the world population (1 mks)

(Rewrite the statement adding a question tag)



  1. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage (3 mks)
  2. Illusion



  1. Pragmatic



  • Squalor



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Nora: (jumping up and going to him) oh, dear, nice Doctor Rank, I never meant that at all. But surely you can understand that being with Torvald is a little like being with Papa –

(enter MAID from the hall)

Maid: if you please, ma’am. (Whispers and hands her a card)

Nora: (glancing at the card) oh! (Puts it into her pocket)

Rank: is there anything wrong?

Nora: No, no, not in the least. It is only something – it is my new dress –

Rank: what? Your dress is lying there.

Nora: Oh, yes, that one: but this is another. I ordered it. Torvald mustn’t know about it –

Rank: Oho! Then was the great secret.

Nora: Of course. Just go in to him: he is sitting in the inner room. Keep him as long as –

Rank: Make our mind easy; I won’t let him escape (goes into HELMER’S room)

Nora: (to the MAID) And he is standing waiting in the kitchen?

Maid: Yes; he came up the back stairs.

Nora: But didn’t you tell him no one was in?

Maid: Yes, but it was no good.

Nora: He won’t go away?

Maid: No; he says he won’t until he has seen you, ma’am.

Nora: Well, let him come in – but quietly. Helen you mustn’t say anything about it to anyone. It is a surprise for my husband.

Maid: Yes, ma’am, I quite understand. (exit)

Nora: This dreadful thing is going to happen! It will happen in spite of me! No, no, no, it can’t happen – it shan’t happen!


QUESTION 2 (25 marks)

  1. Place this excerpt in its immediate context (3 mks)





  1. Indentify and illustrate the character trait of the following characters                         (4 mks)








  1. Who is in the kitchen and why has he come?                                                     (3mks)



  1. Identify and illustrate the dominant theme in the excerpt.                                (2mks)




  1. “……… being with Torvald is a little like being with papa” what does Nora mean by this statement?                                                                                                     (2mks)



  1. Explain an incidence of dramatic irony from the excerpt.                                 (2mks)




  1. Why is Nora quick to usher Dr. Rank out of the room?                                                 (2 mks)




  1. “This dreadful thing is going to happen. “Rewrite in reported speech.           (1mk)




  1. Explain the dreadful thing that Nora fears might happen? (2 mks)




  1. Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the excerpt.       (3 mks)
  2. Make your mind easy –



  1. I won’t let him escape –



  • It was no good –



  1. Dreadful –





Read the narrative below and then answer the questions that follow.

Once upon a time, all animals in the jungle were of the same plain colour but when they were invited by king lion for his son’s wedding, they decided to decorate themselves for the occasion. The tortoise was given the task of making the dye to be used. Though he was slow, he was the most intelligent.


The big day was fast approaching but the tortoise had only managed to make one big pot of black dye. He called a meeting and they all decided to use the available dye to make various patterns in their skins.

The leopard was allocated the job of painting the rest of the animals. The zebra was the first on queue followed by the giraffe, then the donkey and all the other animals were to follow. The giraffe and the zebra were painted and they looked very beautiful.


Then the donkey’s turn came but he was undecided on the pattern to choose. The leopard decided to paint him like a zebra and got down to work. He had a long line along the donkey’s spine from head towards the tail. On reaching the tail, the donkey started giggling. The leopard continued and the donkey jumped and threw him his hind legs saying the brush was tickling and he could not contain himself any longer.


He had thrown his hind legs so hard that he hit the pot containing the dye. The dye spattered all over the animals on the queue. The cheetah got speckles all over his body, the leopard got spotted and the crow who happened to be passing by with an urgent letter for the king hanging on its neck was splashed by the dye which covered him the whole body apart from the neck where the letter was. On seeing this, the hyena started laughing but got a large splotch on his mouth.

All the animals rushed to the stream to try and wash out the dye but it was already dried and had become permanent. Nobody could get off the spots, streaks, speckles and splotches. And that is how the donkey was responsible for the various patterns we see on animal’s bodies today.

  1. Classify the narrative above. (2mks)



  1. Indentify and illustrate any two social aspects of society from which this narrative is taken (4 marks)






  1. Indentify and illustrate any three features peculiar to oral narratives evident in this narrative. (6mks)










  1. Indentify and illustrate any two character traits of the Leopard.             (4 mks)








  1. Who would be the target audience of such a narrative (2mks)






  1. If you were to collect this narrative from the field, what preparations would you make before the actual field work                                                                                 (2mks)









  • Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Do not change the meaning.
  1. The children welcomed the teachers.

(Begin with: The teachers)



  1. John does not take Lunch. His sister does not take Lunch.

(Begin with: Neither)



  1. Gatwiri asked, “Can we meet here tomorrow morning?”

(Rewrite in direct speech)



  1. This novel is far better than the one I bought last week.

(Rewrite using the word ‘superior’)



  1. It is not necessary to collect the garbage today.

(Rewrite being: You do not )



  • Rewrite the following sentences to correct the errors.
  1. Of the two books, the first is longest



  1. The quarter of the three girls sleeps earlier.



  1. I did not find any fellow colleagues in class when I arrived late.




  • Supply the appropriate question tags in the blank spaces in the following sentences.
  1. We needn’t worry about tomorrow,



  1. Let me have a taste,



  1. They’ll come early in the morning,



  • Replace the underlined words with phrasal verbs formed from the words in brackets
  1. Lucy asked Julius not to involve himself with her personal matters. (keep)




  1. My mother accidentally met me along Jamhuri highway in the town (run)





  • Use the words in bracket in their correct form to replace the underlined words.
  1. The candidate was not popular amongst the electorate. (famous)



  1. The vehicle that was moving very fast caused the accident. (speed)










Question 1

  • They are experiencing massive population growth/ 1 and receiving huge number of migrants every year / 1
  • It reveals that there will be a massive increase in urban population by the year 2025 / 1 (1mk)
  • Urbanization in Africa is mostly intense in Algeria, Tunisia and South Africa /1 which have 50 percent of their population living in urban areas. /1 (2mks)
  • The desire to better living conditions / 1 in search of greener pastures / 2 (2mks)
  • Growing food in small plots / ½, green house /½ and small gardens /½ (2mks)
  • It refers to many small gardens in urban areas/ cities / 1 (1mk)
  • (i) unemployment or underemployment / 1a

(ii) Crime / 1b

(iii) Poverty and life in slums / 1c

(iv) Hunger and strain on food production

(if in prose deduct ½ mk from the total score)


  • didn’t they? (1mk)

(A comma before the tag, start with a small letter, must have an apostrophe and question mark. If any missing = 0)


  • Illusion – belief that is not true

Pragmatic – realistic/ practical/ factional/down to earth

Squalor – filthy environment/ dirty environment.




(a)       Before

– Dr Rank tells Nova that he has always felt love for her

– Nora tells him that she only thinks of him as a close family companion and not a lover.



  • The maid opens the door for Krogstad to come in
  • Krogstad has just received his dismissal letter from the bank
  • He comes to enquire why Nora did not prevent his dismissal.


(b)       (1) RANK

  • Keen / observant (1mk) he quickly notices Nora’s behaviour change once she receives the card from the maid and enquires what is wrong with her.(1mk)
  • Loyal/concerned (1mk) he promises to keep Helmer company for as long as Nora wishes.



(2) NORA

Secretive (1 mk)  – she lies about the card to Dr. rank

– She lies about Krogstad to the maid


( c) it is Krogstad (1mk)

  • He has received his dismissal from the bank (1mk)
  • He wants to enquire from Nora why she couldn’t prevent his dismissal.

( d)      Deception: Nora doest want Dr. Rank to know about Krogstad’s visit, she also lies to the maid that they’re planning a surprise for Helmer when Krogstad visits.


(e)       That both Helmer and her father were domineering/ patronizing eg she was never free to express herself both at her father’s place and at Helmer’s place.


(f)        The readers knows that Nora has received a card from the maid but Dr. Rank doesn’t know about the card.


(g)       because she wants some time alone with Krogstad/ whatever she wants to discuss with Krogstad is secretive. / she doesn’t want Dr. Rank to know of Krogstad’s presence.


(h)       Nora said that that dreadful thing was going to happen.


  • That her husband will discover of her crime of forgery from Krogstad.


  •     (i) Relax

(ii) It will keep him busy

(iii) It was useless

(iv) Terrible/ very bad


  1. 3. ORAL LITERATURE(20 mks)


  • A etiological / Explanatory narrative (1mk)

It talks of why the animals have different pattern/ spots (1mk)


  • (i) wedding ceremonies (1mk) king lion had invited other animals for his son’s wedding (1mk)

(ii) communalism/Division of labour (1mk) each animal was allocated a different job eg leopard to decorate others, tortoise to make dye.


(c ) (i) Opening formular (1mk) once upon a time (1mk)

(ii) Closing formular (1mk) and that how …………. Today (1 mk)

(iii) Timelessness (1mk) once upon a time (lit can be applicable to any time in History)

(iv) Fantasy (1mk) animas have a wedding and decorating themselves for the same.(1mk)


  • (i) meticulous/ rigorous/ precise (1mk)

He painted the Giraffe and Zebra till they looked beautiful (1mk)


(ii) Hardworking/ industrious (1mk)

He had to decorate all the animals (1mk)


(d)young children (1mk) as it serves the purpose of entertainment(1mk)

it also teaches them about natural phenomena eg why different animals have different colours.


  • (i)Seek permission from the local authorities to be allowed to conduct the fields study.

(ii) Liaise with my resource person.

(iii) Make a pre – visit to the place.

NB: Accept any other correct answer.








  • The teachers was welcomed by the children.
  • Neither John nor his sisters take Lunch.
  • Gatwiri asked them whether they could meet there the following morning
  • This novel is superior to the one I bought last week
  • You do not necessarily need to collect the Garbage today


(b)(1) Of the two books the first is the longer.

(2) The quarter of the three girls sleeps earliest.

(3) I did not find my colleagues in class when I arrived late.


(c) (1) Need we?

(2)Shall I?

(3)Won’t they?


(d) (1) Keep off

(2) Ran into


  • (1)Infamous

(2) Speeding