How grade 6 learners will be assessed and placed to Junior Secondary Schools

GRADE SIX LEARNERS who are due to sit the pioneer Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) in November this year will join Grade Seven in Junior Secondary Schools (JSS) in January 2023.

The learners will join JSS after successfully
completing six years of primary education and sitting a Summative Assessment at the end of Grade Six.

The assessment will contribute 40 per cent
of a learner’s score as they transit to Junior Secondary School.

The 40 per cent will be aggregated with the formative assessments that constitute 60 per cent; with 20 per cent obtained each in Grades Four, Five and Six.

Grading of the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) at Grade Six will be based on a combination of the cumulative School Based Assessments (SBAs) and the summative assessment scores.

Learners will be issued with a Transition Report for the KPSEA. The learners will be assessed in 13 subjects combined into five papers as follows:

Kiswahili/Kenya Sign Language
Integrated Science
Integrated Science (Science and Technology, Agriculture,
Home Science,
Physical and Health Education)
Creative Arts and Social Studies (Social Studies, Christian Religious Education, Islamic Religious Education, Hindu Religious Education, Art and Craft, Music)


Learners with special needs who can follow the regular pathway will have their KPSEA papers adapted based on their area of special needs.

Learners with severe and Each of the five papers will be scored out of 100 per cent.

The overall score will be reported as a summation of the scores in CBC

Nurturing Every Learner’s Potential
multiple disabilities such as severe deaf/blind, cerebral palsy, autism, will follow a stage-based curriculum that allows them flexibility based on their abilities.

They will be assessed at Foundation and Intermediate levels based on their readiness to transition.

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