Kibwezi ttc
Kibwezi ttc

Kibwezi Teacher Training College is a private and accredited College that is found in Makueni County, at the Eastern region of Kenya. The College is one of the best managed Teacher Training institutions in the country.

Courses offered at Kibwezi Teacher Training College

The following courses are on offer at Kibwezi Teacher Training College:

2.certificate/diploma in ECDE.
5.SNE diploma

How to apply to join Kibwezi Teacher Training College

Joining Kibwezi Teacher Training College is simple. Simply visit their offices with a copy of your KCSE and KCPE certificates. You will be given an admission letter on spot. See the application form below; that you will be expected to fill out.
kibwezi teachers training college Doc Template | pdfFiller

Kibwezi Teacher Training College Contacts.

You can reach the College by using any of the following contacts:

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