Home KUCCPS News Portal KMTC Diploma In Orthopaedic Technology Kuccps requirements and Campuses where offered

KMTC Diploma In Orthopaedic Technology Kuccps requirements and Campuses where offered

KMTC Diploma In Orthopaedic Technology Kuccps requirements and Campuses where offered

Programme Name Campus Minimum Requirements
Diploma In Orthopaedic Technology  Nairobi, Port Reitz Mean Grade C
Subj 1: Eng/Kis:C
Subj 2: Bio/Bsc:C
Subj 3: Mat A/Phy/Che/Psc/Ww(444)/Mw/Drd:C-
Subj 4: Mat A/Phy/Che/Psc/Ww(444)/Mw/Drd:C-

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