KCSE 2024 Result slips and printouts
KCSE 2024 Result slips and printouts

The Kenya National Examinations Council, Knec, has dispatched all the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, 2024 Students’ Results Printouts; commonly known as result slips. According to the latest update from the Exams Council, the hard copies have been sent to all subcounties.

” The 2024 KCSE Examination results printouts have been dispatched to all Sub-County Directors of Education (SCDEs) offices countrywide.” The Council said via a memo on its official Facebook Account.

Students who sat for the Exams can now visit their respective schools for the result slips.

“Schools that presented candidates for the examination are advised to liaise with their SCDEs to collect the printouts.” Knec adds.

The school Exam printouts contain an analysis of all the candidates’ performance at the KCSE Exams.

The KCSE result slips are very important. They enable a student who sat the KCSE Exam to check and correct errors before KCSE Certificates are printed.

A KCSE result Slip.
A KCSE result Slip.

Common Errors to Look Out for in Your KCSE Results

Although KNEC has established rigorous processes to minimize errors, discrepancies may still occur. Being proactive in checking your results is crucial. The most common errors students may encounter include:

A. Incorrect Personal Details

  • What to Look For: The most common personal detail errors are incorrect names, ID numbers, or gender mismatches. These issues often arise during the registration process or data entry.
  • Why It’s Important: These errors can cause issues with your official documentation and when applying for further studies or employment. They also affect your national identification details, making it important to correct them swiftly.

B. Missing Subjects or Results

  • What to Look For: Sometimes, a subject that a student sat for may be missing from the results sheet, or the results for a particular subject may not appear at all.
  • Why It’s Important: If a subject is missing, it might impact your overall grade and future applications, such as university placement.

C. Errors in Grades

  • What to Look For: Sometimes, the wrong grade may be awarded for a subject, especially if the marks were entered incorrectly. For example, a grade C could be mistakenly entered as a grade B.
  • Why It’s Important: An incorrect grade could affect your eligibility for university admission, scholarship opportunities, or job placements.

D. Duplicate or Incomplete Entries

  • What to Look For: Occasionally, a student might find that their exam results appear twice, or some subjects are duplicated. In some cases, results might be incomplete.
  • Why It’s Important: Duplicate or incomplete entries can create confusion, affecting the processing of further educational applications.

What to Do If You Spot an Error

If you discover an error in your KCSE results, it’s essential to take immediate action. The steps below will guide you through the process of rectifying the issue.

A. How to Report the Error

  • Contact KNEC: If you spot an error, your first course of action is to contact the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC). You can do this through the official channels provided by KNEC, such as email, phone, or physical visit to their offices.
  • Toll-Free Helpline: If you experience any challenges, KNEC provides two toll-free numbers for candidates to call: 0800724900 or 0800721410
  • Document the Issue: Be specific when reporting the error. For example, if your name is misspelled, provide evidence of the correct spelling from your school’s records.
  • Submit Your Request in Writing: It’s important to document your concerns in writing to have a formal record of the request.

B. Documents You’ll Need

To resolve the issue quickly, ensure you have all necessary documentation, including:

  • Your original KCSE results slip (if available).
  • Proof of registration (student identification, registration number, etc.).
  • Any supporting documents that prove the error, such as your school’s records.

C. Timeline for Error Resolution

KNEC is usually prompt in addressing errors in results, but the timeline may vary. Typically, you should expect to receive feedback on your request within a few weeks. It’s advisable to keep following up if you do not hear back within the expected time.

5. Steps KNEC Takes to Correct Errors

Once KNEC receives your complaint about an error in the results, they will investigate the issue and may take the following actions:

  • Verification: KNEC will verify the error by checking the original records from the examination center and matching them with the results entered into their system.
  • Correction: If the error is confirmed, KNEC will correct the affected records and issue a revised results slip.
  • Notification: Once the error is corrected, KNEC will notify you through the same channels you used to report the error (SMS, email, or school visit).

6. Common Challenges When Addressing Errors and How to Overcome Them

When reporting errors, students may face a few challenges:

  • Delayed Responses: Sometimes, KNEC may take longer than expected to address errors. The best way to handle this is to follow up periodically, while remaining patient.
  • Unclear Processes: If you are unsure about how to report an error, consider visiting KNEC’s customer service desk or seeking guidance from your school.

7. Preventive Measures to Avoid Errors in Future Examinations

While errors can happen, there are steps students can take to avoid them:

  • Double-Check Registration Details: Ensure that your personal details, including your name, ID number, and subjects, are correct during the registration process.
  • Review Examination Materials: Always check your exam materials for accuracy before submitting them.
  • Seek Help Early: If you notice any potential issues during your exam period, bring them to the attention of your school or examination supervisor immediately.

Handling Of Queries

Different Types Of Queries

Type Of Query Definition
Query on Order of Names Query arising as a result of a candidate’s order of names having been incorrectly captured.
Query on Misspelling / Incorrect capture of Names / Initials Query arising as a result of a candidate’s name(s) / initial been mispelt / incorrectly captured.
Query on Incorrectly captured / missing Gender Query arising as a result of a candidate’s gender having been incorrectly captured / missing.
Query on Incorrectly captured / missing Year of Examination Query arising as a result of the year of examination having been incorrectly captured / missing.
Query on Incorrectly captured or Missing Mark / Grade Query arising as a result of a candidate’s marks / grades which are missing / incorrectly captured.
Query on Incorrectly captured or missing Subject / Paper /Under Protest Cases Query arising as a result of a candidate’s paper / subject having been incorrectly captured / missing.
Query on Incorrectly captured / missing Index Number Query arising as a result of a candidate’s index number having been incorrectly captured/ missing.
Query on Recovery of Certificates Query arising as a result of any of the following: 

  1. Incorrect capture of details of a candidate (name, index number)on a certificate
  2. Incorrect capture of details of examination centre where candidate sat examination (examination centre code / name,)on a certificate
  3. Incorrect capture of year of examination on certificate
  4. Wrong photograph pasted on a certificate
  5. Misprinted / poorly printed certificate
  6. Certificate not dispatched to examination centre
Query on Pending Results due to registration issues Query arising as a result of pending of a candidate’s results because the candidate did not provide the required details of previous KNEC examination at the time of registration.
Query on Pending Results due to suspected examination irregularities Query arising as a result of pending / withholding of a candidate’s result because of suspected involvement in an examination irregularity
Query on Recovery of Results slips Query arising as a result of any of the following: 

  1. Incorrect capture of details of a candidate (name, index number) on a results slip
  2. Incorrect capture of details of examination centre where candidate sat examination (examination centre code / name,)on a results slip
  3. Incorrect capture of year of examination on results slip
  4. Misprinted / poorly printed results slip
  5. Results slip not dispatched to examination centre
Query on incorrectly captured or missing Examination Centre Name /Code Query arising as a result of a candidate’s examination centre name or code having been incorrectly captured / missing.
Query / Appeal on Cancellation of Results Query arising as a result of cancellation of a candidate’s results in a subject / entire examination

Period Of launching queries after release of Results

The Kenya National Examinations Council allows thirty (30) days after the date  of release of the results/certificates for candidate(s) or institution(s) to raise any query arising from the released examination results/certificates.

Queries about examination results/certificates must be made through the Heads of Schools/Institutions and the Sub County Directors of Education. The appeal documents must reach KNEC not later than thirty (30) days after the release of the examination results/certificates, after which the query shall attract a penalty.

Charges on Queries after Release of Examination Results

Any amendment on name, gender and year of birth attracts a penalty of 3,000/= (three thousand) per candidate if the query is submitted after thirty (30) days after the date of release of examination results

The Head of Institution must request in writing explaining the origin of the error.

The Kenya National Examinations Council reserves the right to accept or reject a request for amendment(s)

Certificates are received by the school 8 months after sitting examinations.

The 2024 KCSE exams took place in 10,755 centres, with a record-high of 965,501 candidates sitting the exams, an increase from 903,138 in 2023.

The marking of exams concluded on December 13, 2024, after an extensive effort by examiners across 35 designated marking centres.

The results are accessed through the Knec results portal.

Once you log in on the website, press the ‘KSCE Results’ icon.

“Individual 2024 KCSE candidates’ examination results will be accessed online through a link on the KNEC website or directly through the URL: https://results.knec.ac.ke/,” a statement from KNEC read.

“Key in your index number and any ONE of your registered name(s) on the spaces provided. Click on the “View Results button and the results will appear on the screen.”