KUPPET Constitution Review Process Kicks Off – See Proposals

KUPPET Constitution Review

Why some proposals should be vehemently opposed.

The KUPPET Constitutional review process kicks off next year.

It is important to note that the last Constitutional review was made in the run up to the 2011 union elections.

Twelve years down the lane, the document which underwent minimal adjustments needs a revamp.

Some of the weaknesses in the current union constitution include:

1. Persistence gender imbalances; both at branches and the National Executive Board.

2. Qualifications for office during elections.

3. Under- representation by some branches at the National Office; Coast, North Eastern and Nairobi.

This is just a tip of the iceberg. There are more underlying inequalities and bottlenecks that need to be re-looked.

A constitutional review Committee has since been appointed to collate the views and produce a daft Constitution.

The Committee would have an oversight role over the entire review process and ensure members’ wishes are upheld.

Fast forward, the Branch Executive Secretaries have tasked with the responsibility of coordinating the collection of views from members and forward them to the National office.

The draft constitution shall then be discussed by all Delegates; before it is promulgated, ahead of the 2026 KUPPET General elections.

Some of the clauses in the constitution that need to be repealed include:

Article 13.0, sub article (III) which reads and I quote… “Any branch official contesting for any national position shall resign from his/ her branch position not later than 31 days before the national union elections’.. Such a clause, coupled with that which demands hefty nominations fee (Ks250,000) are in bad faith and meant to lock out competitors.

This goes against the KUPPET core values of Service, Justice and Integrity.

Similarly, egocentric individuals are fronting draconian requirements for nominations and elections; That;

🪓 To vie for a branch executive post you must have served as a BEC member!!!!!!!!!

🪓To vie for other branch posts one has to have served as a school KUPPET rep!!!!!!!.

🪓Increasing elections nominations fees is not only being egocentric but also insensitivity of the highest order.

🪓 Introduction of quota system in representation at the ADC; with branches having more members getting higher slots; which will monopolize leadership.

Such proposal shall not see light of the day. They shall be treated with the contempt that they rightfully deserve.

Our views should be geared towards attaining inclusivity by even introduction of term limits for KUPPET officials!

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