The Teachers Service Commission, TSC- Kenya. Latest transfers, delocalization news.
TSC says advert 2021

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has effected the December 2019 delocalization exercise for school heads. A total of forty two (42) teachers have been moved in Bungoma County. The handing/ taking over exercise for the administrators is expected to be completed before schools open for first term on January 6, 2020.

Those moved are heads and principals and their deputies serving in their home counties and those who have served in the same station for a long period. Also on the move are new administrators who were appointed after the just concluded interviews .

Teachers with medical conditions have been spared from the ongoing delocalization exercise. Also spared are teachers aged above 56 years and those set to retire.

The Commission kicked off the delocalization exercise in January, 2018. Other massive deployments would then follow in April, August and December of the same year. Though in April, 2019 the Commission slowed down the transfers as only a handful administrators were moved.

 For complete information on all schools in Kenya, including best private and public schools, please visit this link:


Here is the list of affected schools in Bungoma County:

Bishop Atundo Kimaeti Boys SecondaryPeter Maina HugoSt Peters Ndalu SecondaryBungomaOdebero Stephen NangeriKibuon Mixed Secondary SchoolMigori
Khasoko Boys Secondary SchoolNicholas KiboiUsenge Boys Secondary SchoolSiayaDaniel Orach WasamboUsenge Boys Secondary SchoolSiaya
Masielo Secondary SchoolAndrew Aduda Agwange Mungakha Mixed Secondary SchoolKakamegaJoseph O. YwayaDigula SecondaryVihiga
St Jude Maunda Secondary SchoolJane Wekesa FrancesMalinya Girls Secondary SchoolKakamegaPhilip WafulaSikhendu Mixed SecondaryBungoma
St Judes Napara Girls SecondaryJacinta MalalaSt Elizabeth Chepkunyuk Secondary SchoolNandiFlorence OkwareSt Elizabeth Chepkunyuk SecondaryNandi
St Kizito Mayanja Secondary SchoolIgnatius Mabonga Kong’aniCheptantan Mixed Secondary SchoolTrans NzoiaJackson M. TwaemCheptantana Mixed SecondaryTrans Nzoia
St Marys Madgaline Kimatuni Secondary SchoolAgnetta Makhoha NafulaGagra Mixed Secondary SchoolSiayaReginald oyugiGagra Mixed SecondarySiaya
St Marys Mukhuma Secondary SchoolJeridah NasilwaMundere Girls Secondary SchoolBusiaAnne KhasenyeMundere Girls SecondaryBusia
St Paul’s Miluki Girsl Secondary SchoolMargery Waluchio SitawaSt Peters Kajulu Secondary SchoolKisumuCatherine Sewe AkinyiNamisi Secondary SchoolBungoma
St Peters Mwiruti Secondary SchoolJoyce Namasaka MusangaNgetmoi Girls Secondary SchoolBaringoMildred OnyuraNgetmoi Girls SchoolBaringo
Namilama Secondary SchoolRosemary Ongalo AchayoRatta Mixed Secondary SchoolKisumuHellen K. SimwaMukumu Boys SecondaryKakamega
St Charles Lwanga SchoolGordon MugaKameji Secondary SchoolMigoriAbuga BarnabasSt Ignatius Secondary SchoolTrans Nzoia
Friends Mixed Secondary NabuyolePeter Wamalwa BarasaSt John Cheptech SecondaryVihigaNdumwa NelsonKitumba PAG SecondaryVihiga
Masindu Friends SecondaryHerbert Sunguri KhisaMbaga Mixed SecondarySiayaHundson LunaniFriends Bonde SchoolTrans Nzoia
Misimo Mixed SecondaryEric Temba WekesaDigula Secondary SchoolVihigaCharles WatendeMungakha Mixed SecondaryKakamega
St Bridgits SiumbwaIsabella SimiyuFriends School Naitiri SecondaryBungomaCaroline MutoroSt Peters Ndalu SchoolBungoma
Mabuuai SecondaryPetronillah Khaemba NanjalaChavavo Secondary SchoolVihigaVitalis KangayiaKaptanai Secondary SchoolBungoma
Nzoia Industrial Boys SecondaryWycliffe MasindeMilima Secondary SchoolTrans NzoiaJacob WawireMuroki Friends Secondary SchoolTrans Nzoia
Geoff Brown SecondaryNelson WesongaACK Kimogoch Secondary SchoolNandiRosemary MutaiACK Kimogoch SchoolNandi
Kaptanai Secondary SchoolVitalis KangayiaMabuusi Secondary SchoolBungomaDoris Onyango AkinyiSt Thomas Amagoro Girls SecondaryBusia
Kipsis Secondary SchoolJosephine ChebonyaImusutsu Mixed SecondaryVihigaVulimu JaneImusutsu Mixed SecondaryVihiga
St Augustine Girls Lukhuna SecondaryHellen AwuorMyanga SecondaryBungomaJoan OwiyeCardinal Otunga Girls SecondaryBungoma
St Peters Ndalu SecondaryCarolyne MutoroSt Brigits Siumbwa SecondaryBungomaPeter Maina HugoBishop Atundo Kimaeti BoysBungoma
Friends School Bokoli SecondaryConrad WanjalaNambale Boys Secondary SchoolBusiaMusonye NamusendoMwihila Boys SecondaryKakamega
Friends Secondary Kuywa SchoolAnn Oloo OkothGidea Girls SecondaryTrans NzoiaEdward GisembaSt Lukes KanundaKisii
Namawanga Girls SecondaryRose P. Achieng OchiengKitale Secondary SchoolTrans NzoiaJane KaruguKasagam SecondaryKisumu
St Andrews Matulo SecondaryPeter Asmani WafulaSt Alberts Angira SecondaryKisumuJuliana BukelembeShododo GirlsKakamega
Chiliba Secondary SchoolVacant..John KipkorirCheptongei SecondaryElgeyo Marakwet
AC Butonge SecondaryVacant..John GathaithaDEB Mutwot SecondaryUasin Gishu
St Michaels Ingusi SecondaryAndeto A. IsabellaKipiyo Secondary....
St Theresa’s Kimilili SecondaryAnn NafulaKapkartwa SecondaryTrans Nzoia...
Nang’eni girls SecondaryHellen MulindiBiketi SeconadryTrans Nzoia....
Teremi High SchoolMayu VincentSt Stephene Aluor SecondarySiaya...
Namisi Secondary SchoolCatherine Sewe AkinyiMiluki Girls SecondaryBungomaAggrey Wafula..
Nzoia Sugar Girls SecondaryNato Isabella NandakoGoibei GirlsVihigaRebbeca Kurgat..
Matumbutu Baptist Girls...Orikodi FredrickSt Elizabeth Okatekok SecondaryBusia
St Elizabeth Lunao School...Musi FerdinandBakhakunga SecondaryKakamega
St Kizito Sirende SecondaryEverline BukhuniNgunya SeciondarySiayaFelix OkeyoNguya SecondarySiaya
Friends School YalusiFlora Runaku LigwiluKapcheplanget SecondaryTrans NzoiaJulia Mwangi NyaguthiDrs Girls SecondaryUasin Gishu
Friends School YalusiFlora Runaku LigwiluMbeka Girls SecondarySiayaBeatrice Akinyi IsiyaMbeka Girls SecondarySiaya
Pwani SecondarySisela OpichoTrans Nzoia MixedTrans NzoiaBeldinah AdisaChavavo SecondaryVihiga
Pwani SecondarySisela OpichoDavanga Muslim SecondaryVihigaTabitha E. OkamaBuchenya Girls SecondaryKakamega


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