TSC Boss Dr. Nancy Macharia. The Commission has paid teachers' April salaries with the new tax regime factored in.
TSC Boss Dr. Nancy Macharia.

If you are looking for a list of the recently TSC advertised History and other subject combinations internship posts per school, then see all the details below.

The list has all the advertised History Subject combinations; History/CRE, History/Business, History/Kiswahili and History/Geography.

Remember to check similar lists for other subject combinations here; Advertised TSC vacancies per Subject combinations.


See also;

Central Kiambu 147012063121 Kahuguini Sec Hist/CRE
Central Kiambu 147012063037 Kimunyu sec Hist/CRE
Central Kiambu 147012063114 Munyuini Sec Hist/Eng
Central Kiambu 147012013065 Musa Gitauย  Sec Hist/CRE
Central Kiambu 147012063151 Theta mixedย  Sec Hist/CRE
Central Kiambu 147012013020 Githiga High Sch Hist/CRE
Central Kiambu 147012013050 Kiambururu Sec Hist/Bst
Central Nyandarua 147012043103 Ndaragwa Boys (Centre Of Excellence) Hist/Kisw
Central Nyandarua 147012043013 Shamata Girls Hist/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012023048 Gatwe Sec Hist/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012023009 Karia Sec Hist/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012023158 Gacharu Sec. Hist/Kisw
Central Nyandarua 147012023117 Mumbu-Ini Sec. Hist/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012063124 Mithini Sec. Hist/CRE
Central Nyandarua 147012063119 Muti Sec Hist/Geo
Central Nyandarua 147012063087 Thungururu Sec. Hist/Kisw
Central Nyandarua 147012073124 Marumi Sec. Hist/Bst
Central Nyandarua 147012073117 Kiawambutu Sec Hist/Bst
Central Nyandarua 147012073031 Ngโ€™araria Girls Hist/CRE
Central Nyeri 147012053199 Gitundutisec Hist/CRE
Coast Kilifi 147013073041 Majivuni Mixed Day Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Coast Kilifi 147013013067 Mbuyuni Mixed Day Sec Sch Hist/Cre
Coast Taita Taveta 147013053012 Mghalu Mixed Day/Boarding Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Coast Taita Taveta 147013053078 Mahandakini Mixed Day Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Coast Tana River 147013063017 Buyani Mixed Day Secย  Sch Hist/Kisw
Coast Tana River 147013063006 Kipiniย  Mixed Day/Baording Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Embu 147014013002 Kyeni Girls Sec Sch Hist/Geo
Eastern Embu 147014013045 Ciamanda Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Isiolo 147014023020 Uhuru Mixed Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Isiolo 147014023005 Merti Muslim Girls Hist/Kisw
Eastern Isiolo 147014023026 Gafarsa Mixed Day Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033126 Kanzau Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033232 Ung’aatu Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033214 Itiko Mixed Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033080 Kwa Tundu Mixed Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014103039 Kiio Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014103028 Mui Boys Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014103112 Wamaiyu Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014103026 AIC Kyome Boys Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014103074 Kikiini Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033166 Kangii Mixed Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033020 Kyondoni Girls Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033037 Musengo Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033006 Mutonguni Boys Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033086 Mutukyaย  Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033043 St.Monica Girls Mulutu Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 14701153247 Masukanioni Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 14701153237 Kitho Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Kitui 147014033151 Masaani Mixed Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Machakos 147014053169 Kikumbo Sec. Hist/Kisw
Eastern Machakos 147014053338 Kaloleni Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Machakos 147014053293 St Martin Mixed Hist/Kisw
Eastern Machakos 147014053034 Kinyui S.A Girls Hist/Kisw
Eastern Machakos 147014053226 St.Francis Of Assis Kwatombe Hist/Kisw
Eastern Machakos 147014053224 Makaalu Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Machakos 147014053028 Kathiani Boys Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043124 Kanthuni Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043379 Mavindini Girls Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043322 Masongaleni Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043190 Yikitaa Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043220 Kavatanzou Sec. Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043355 Katulani Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043284 Masalani Makindu Secondary Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043077 St. Pauls Kyamuthei Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043198 Mwea Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043208 Nthangu Mixed Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043272 Kimuumo Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043184 Itulu Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043022 Utangwa Mixed Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043044 Kiatineni Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Makueni 147014043099 Mweini Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Meru 147014083159 Angaine Mixed Day Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Meru 147014113312 Kongo Kamau Day Mixed Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Meru 147014113181 Mathirine Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Eastern Meru 147014113162 Ntuti Day Hist/Kisw
Eastern Meru 147014083014 Kaagaย  Girls Hist/Kisw
Eastern Meru 147014083025 Githongo Boys Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Meru 147014083005 Tabata Mixed Day Hist/Kisw
Eastern Meru 147014113013 Kitheo Hist/Kisw
Eastern Tharaka Nithi 147014133066 A C K Kaanwa Hist/Kisw
Eastern Tharaka Nithi 147014133019 Muthambi Boys Hist/Kisw
Eastern Tharaka Nithi 147014133029 Nturiri Boys Hist/Kisw
Eastern Tharaka Nithi 147014133046 Ibiriga Sec. Hist/Kisw
Eastern Tharaka Nithi 147014133053 Kiangondu Sec Hist/Kisw
Eastern Tharaka Nithi 147014133035 Mutaaruni Sec Hist/Kisw
Nairobi Nairobi 147011013076 Karen C Girls Boarding Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Nairobi Nairobi 147011013080 Shadrack Kimalelย  Mixed Day Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
North Eastern Wajir 147015033035 Lagboqolย  Mixed Boarding Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
North Eastern Wajir 147015033032 Bute Mixed Day Secondary Hist/Kisw,
North Eastern Wajir 147015033014 Habasweinย  Mixedย  Day Sec Sch Hist/Kisw, Maths/Phy
North Eastern Wajir 147015033033 Barwaqo Mixed Day Sec Sch Hist/Kisw, Bst/Maths
North Eastern Wajir 147015033038 Tulatula Boys Boarding Sec Sch Hist/Kisw, Chem/Math
North Eastern Mandera 147015023021 Buruburu Day Boys Sec Sch Hist/Kisw, Arabic/IRE
North Eastern Mandera 147015023008 Rhamu Girls Sec School Hist/Kisw
North Eastern Mandera 147015023010 Wayamย  Secondaryย  School Hist/IRE
North Eastern Garissa 147015013009 Galmagala Mixed Dayย  Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
North Eastern Garissa 147015043002 Yussuf Haji Girls Boardingย  Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
North Eastern Garissa 147015043005 County Mixed Dayย  Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
North Eastern Garissa 147015043001 Shurie Sec Sch Hist/Kisw, Bio/Chem
North Eastern Garissa 147015013010 Iftin Girls Day Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
North Eastern Garissa 147015014006 Modogashe Girls Hist/Kisw, Bst/Maths
Nyanza Kisii 147016013058 Gakero SDA Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016013127 St. Thomas Turwa Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016013034 Kenyenya Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016013057 Kerongorori Sec. Hist/Geo, Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016013076 Mesabakwa Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033091 Nyansira SDA Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033140 Joram Asanyo Motonto Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033175 Nyagoto Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033033 St. Johns Metembe Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033120 Kiabusura DOK Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033050 St. Theresa Bogiakumu Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033058 Mobamba Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisii 147016033119 St Cecilia Ramasha Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083203 Aolo Girls Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083012 Dol (Kodera) Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083168 Nyahera Girls Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083163 Kolweny Kingsway Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083186 Lwanda Lutheran Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083207 Ponge Lutheran Sec. Hist/CRE, Agric/Bio
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083191 St. Philip’s Nyabondo Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083007 Wang’apala Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083215 Alaru Central Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083212 Koredo Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083218 Simbi Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016083171 St. Francis Nyaganjo Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023023 Bishop Okulu Magare Girls Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023048 Wiobiero Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023108 Nyakwadha Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023072 St. Francis Andingo Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023011 Joshua Ojede Ndere Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023007 Magina Girls Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023010 Ndisi Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016023046 Osure Mixed Hist/Geo
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016103005 Moi Girls Sindo Hist/Kisw
Nyanza Homa Bay 147016103058 Mark Matunga Kiwa Sec. Hist/Geo
Nyanza Homa Bay 14701433334 Rowo Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063203 Lwala Giribe Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063048 Migori Township Complex Sec. Hist/CRE, Phy/Math
Nyanza Migori 147016063120 God Ngoche Girls Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063099 St. Juliane Ugari Sec. Hist/Geo
Nyanza Migori 147016063148 Nyamongo Sec. Hist/CRE, Geo/Bst
Nyanza Migori 147016063111 Amoyo Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063083 St. Joseph Modi Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063150 Mariba Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063127 St Sabianus Owich Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063157 Akala Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063211 Rabuor – Karungu Sec. Hist/Geo
Nyanza Migori 147016063040 Kameji Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063057 Kamagambo Day Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063078 St Johns Komolorume Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063196 Pheres Oluoch Kanindo Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063012 Bware Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016063182 Bishop Makario Kisugunua Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016053017 Chacha Moronge Sorore Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016053023 Nyamaharaga Sec. Hist/Geo, Kisw/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016053029 St. Peters Nyamotambe Sec. Hist/Geo
Nyanza Migori 147016053031 Komosoko Sec. Hist/Kisw
Nyanza Migori 147016053033 Kugitumo Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Migori 147016053041 Taragai Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043185 Bishop Abiero Shauri Moyo Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043068 St Peter Nanga Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043044 Dago Thim Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043047 Kuoyo Mixed Hist/CRE, Eng/Lit
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043055 St. Mary Gorety Oluowa Sec. Hist/Geo
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123037 Kowuor Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123072 Pala Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043200 Ranjira Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123069 Ogwedhi Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016043009 Miwani Boys Hist/Geo
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123007 Agai Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Kisumu 147016123025 Olembo Boys Hist/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016113006 Barkowino Mixed Hist/CRE, Bst/Math
Nyanza Siaya 147016113004 Chianda Boys Hist/CRE, Bio/Chem, Math/Phy
Nyanza Siaya 147016113073 Rachar Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016113035 St. Mathews Kandaria Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016093147 Ojwando Mixed Hist/Geo
Nyanza Siaya 147016093084 Miyare Sec. Hist/Geo
Nyanza Siaya 147016093115 Sifuyo (St. Patricks) Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016093135 St Edwards Masamra Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016093118 St Peters Bar Atheing Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Siaya 147016093041 Nyagondo Sec. Hist/CRE,Eng/Lit
Nyanza Siaya 147016093157 St.Peters Wagai Sec. Hist/CRE, Eng/Lit
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073093 Enkinda SDA Sec. Hist/Geo
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073136 Kea SDA Mixed Hist/CRE
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073094 Bomorito Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073091 Kianungu PAG Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073013 Menyenya Sec. Hist/CRE
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073032 Riyabe Sec. Hist/Geo
Nyanza Nyamira 147016073066 Geke Sec. Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017013049 Kaptiriony Mixed Secondary School Hist/Bst
Rift Valley Baringo 147017013023 Oinobmoi Boys Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017013007 Talai Boys Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017063003 Kabimoi Boys High School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017063067 Kamura Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017063060 Solian Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017063036 Sinende Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023098 Kiplokyi Mixed Secondaryย  School Hist/Geo
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023027 Mugango Boys Secondaryย  School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023171 Bukunye Secondaryย  School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023187 Saoset Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023154 Chebaraa Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023184 Kapsabul Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017183102 Bosto Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Rift Valley Baringo 147017183079 Kabiangek Mixed Day Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Rift Valley Baringo 147017183043 Kipkorir Salat Boys Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023191 Kitala Mixed Day Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023165 Taboino Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017183030 Terek Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023123 Chebongi Secondary School Hist/Geo
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023122 Chesilyot Girls Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023178 Kameswon Secondary School Hist/Geo
Rift Valley Baringo 147017023169 Kapletundo Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Baringo 147017183008 Ngariet Boys Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017033033 Chebonet Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017033012 Simotwo Secondary School His/CRE,
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017083051 Ismael Chelanga Mixed Secondary School Hist/Geo
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017083021 St. Michaelโ€™s Embobut Secondary School Hist/Geo
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017083054 A.I.C. Chebai Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017043025 Iloodariak Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Elgeyo Marakwet 147017043051 Kuku Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho NEW Ainapkoi Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017183013 Cheborge Boys Secondary School Hist/CRE,Kisw/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017183003 Getarwet Girls Secondary School Hist/CRE, Eng/Lit
Rift Valley Kericho 147017183080 Kaminjeiwa Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017183097 Kiptewit Girls Secondary School Hist/Kisw, Bio/Chem
Rift Valley Kericho 147017183098 Kiptobon Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053130 Lelach Girls Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053313 Ngoina Mixed Secondary School Hist/Geo
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053015 Chepkoiyo Mixed Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053108 Kamarus Mixed Day Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053035 Chepseon Girls Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053101 Kedowa Special Mixed Secondary School Hist/Geo/Ksl
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053137 Cheramor Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Kericho 147017053144 Kapsorok Mixed Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093048 Mau Summit Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093052 Keringet Boys Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093370 Michatha Mixed Day Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093015 Njenga Karume Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093192 Enaiposha Girls Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093317 St. Geraldโ€™s Engoshura Mixed Day Secondary Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093247 Koisamo Mixed Day Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093127 Ol-Rongai Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Nakuru 147017093235 Sidai Mixed Day Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103005 Kimondi Secondary School Hist/CRE, Maths/Chem
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103133 Kosirai High School Hist/Kisw
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103110 Kipture Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103152 St. Josephs Kapkenyeloi Secondary School Hist/CRE, Eng/Lit
Rift Valley Nandi 147017103103 St. Peters Ngenyilel Secondary School Hist/Bst
Rift Valley Narok 147017113011 Eor-Ekule Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE, Math/Bst
Rift Valley Narok 147017113062 Oletukat Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Narok 147017113045 Olokirikirai Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE, Math/Phy, Bio/Chem
Rift Valley Narok 147017133032 Ilkerin Day Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Samburu 14701253008 Uaso Girls Secondary School Hist/Geo
Rift Valley Samburu NEW Nalingangor Mixed Day Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143169 Friends Mixed Secondary School – Chalicha Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143021 St. John’s Sirende Girls Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143122 Korosiot Day Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143050 Kwanza Girls Secondary School Hist/CRE, Kisw/Geo
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143167 Mutua Day Secondary School Hist/Geo
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143219 St. Francis Kolongolo Girls Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143087 Chematich Mixed Secondary School Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Trans Nzoia 147017143099 St. Pauls Secondary School – Kiriita Hist/CRE
Rift Valley Turkana 147017163020 Kapngetuny High School Hist/CRE
Western Busia 147018023042 St. Paul Busende Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Busia 147018023040 Hakati Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Busia 147018023035 Malanga Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Busia 147018063029 St. Michael Apatit Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Busia 147018063007 Kamuriai Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Bungoma 147018013017 Luuyaย  Girls Hist/Kisw
Western Bungoma 147018013001 Bungomaย  S.S. Hist/Kisw,Bio/Bra/Maths
Western Bungoma 147018013359 Siaka Mixed Day Sec School Hist/Kisw
Western Bungoma 147018013171 Binyenyaย  Girlsย  Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Western Bungoma 147018013101 Ndakaru S A Sec Sch Hist/Kisw
Western Bungoma 147018033009 Torosoย  S.A. High School Hist/Kisw
Western Bungoma 147018013203 St. Anne’S Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Vihiga 147018073031 Mbihiย  Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Vihiga 147018073093 Friends Sec Sch Ivona Hist/Kisw
Western Vihiga 147018073044 Ebusakamiย  Girls Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Vihiga 147018073021 Essaba Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018083124 Ebubole Secondary School Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018083038 St. Stephen’S Maraba Mixed Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018043013 Kiman’geti Girls Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018083060 Ibokolo Sec School Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018083104 St Peters Muyundi Sec Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018083139 St Joseph’S Shirotsa Sec Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018043065 Museno S.S. Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018043018 Shanderema Boys High School Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018083049 St. Elizabeth Bumia Girls Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018083033 Munami Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018053040 Friends Sch Binyenya Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 147018043126 Friends Secondary School-Lusui Hist/Kisw
Western Kakamega 14701373131 Sabane Secondary Hist/Geo
Western Kakamega 147018043122 Shisesia (St. James) Secondary School Hist/Kisw