Mosoriot TTC courses, requirements, applications and contacts.
Mosoriot TTC courses, requirements, applications and contacts.

Mosoriot TTC Courses & Application: DPTE and DECTE Upgrade Programme

Explore Mosoriot TTC courses & application process for Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) and Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE). Upgrade your skills now!


  • Diploma in Primary Teacher Education- (DPTE) and Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE) Upgrade Programme.
  • Diploma in Primary Teacher Education (DPTE) and Diploma in Early Childhood Teacher Education (DECTE) Pre-Service Programme  to be offered in future.

The Ministry of Education advertises the DPTE and DECTE upgrade and pre-service programmes to be offered by Primary Teacher Training Colleges (PTTCs) through the Moe Website and Daily Newspapers.

The interested applicants, both primary teacher education (PTE) P1 graduates and KCSE certificate holders apply either online or offline as per instructions given in the advert.

Successful applicants for DPTE and DECTE upgrade programmes will be issued with admission letters through the sub country offices nationally.

KCSE holders with the Ministry of Education  specified requirements will be placed in Public PTTCs by KUSSCPS.

The successful applicants for the upgrade and pre-service programmes will be vetted by college administration on admission day to ensure that they have the requirements indicated in the joining instructions.