TSC Boss Dr. Nancy Macharia at a past event.
TSC Boss Dr. Nancy Macharia at a past event.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) training for 6,450 teachers. The Teachers will be trained by the Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) on Competency Based Assessment (CBA).


The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) will be training teachers on Competency Based Assessment (CBA] during the July schools holiday break from Monday 19th to Friday 27th July, 2021 in your County.

The number of participants will be 200 drawn from schools Implementing the Age Based (Regular] Curriculum and should include five (5) CSOs, five (5) QASOs, five (5) Headteachers, five (5) Deputy Headteachers and CBC Champion teachers.

The participants shall be identified  from across all Sub-Counties in your County who are teaching Grades 3, 4 and S.

Table 1: Counties Identified for Age Based (Regular) Pathway Training

Nakuru 200
Uasin Gishu 200
Kericho 200
West Pokot 200
Kakamega 200
Bungoma 200
Vihiga 200
Mombasa 200
Kwale 200
Kilifi 200
Nyeri 200
Nyandarua 200
Kirinyaga 200
Embu 200
Machakos 200
Kitui 200
Kisumu 200
Siaya 200
Nairobi 200
Garisa 200


In addition, the TSC County Directors shall identify participants from schools implementing the Stage Based (SNE] Curriculum Pathway, Special Schools and Units for Learners with Visual, Hearing and Physical impairments, which should include three (3) CSO-SNE’s, one (1) QASO, three (3) Headteachers, three (3) Deputy Headteachers and the CBC-SNE Champion teachers.

The teachers should be drawn from Grade 3, 4 and 5 in schools implementing the adapted Curriculum for learners with Visual Hearing and Physical Impairments and those Implementing Foundation and Intermediate levels of stage based Curriculum Pathway.

For SNE training, participants from two (2) Counties will converge in one venue hosted in the Counties indicated in the table below:-

Table 2: Counties identified for stage based (SNE) pathway training

Host County County Number of participants County Number of participants Total Number of participants
Mombasa Mombasa 53 Kilifi 53 106
Meru Meru 53 Tharaka Nithi 53 106
Migori Migori 53 Noma Bay 53 106
Embu Kirinyaga 53 Embu 53 106
Kakamega Kakamega 53 Vihiga 53 106
Makueni Kitui 53 Makueni 53 106
West Pokot West Pokot 40 Turkana 40 80
Isiolo Isiolo 40 Marsabit 40 80
Machakos Machakos 53 Kajiado 53 106
Kisii Kisii 53 Nyamira 53 106
Garissa Garissa 40 Wajir 20 80
Baringo Baringo 53 Elgeyo Marakwet 53 106
Bungoma Bungoma 53 Busia 53 106
Nakuru Nakuru 53 Laikipia 53 106
Tana River Tana River 53 Lamu 53 106
Nyandarua Nyandarua 53 Samburu 53 106
Kiambu Kiambu 98 Nairobi 53 106
Uasin Gishu Uasin Gishu 53 Trans Nzoia 53 106
Kisumu Kisumu 53 Siaya 53 106
Narok Narok 53 Bomet 53 106
Nyeri Nyeri 53 Murang’a 53 106
Kericho Kericho 53 Nandi 53 106
Kwale Kwale 53 Taita Taveta 53 106


Payment rates

KNEC will reimburse the cost of:-

  • Meals (two teas and snacks, two bottles of water and lunch as well as WIFI at Kshs.700/= per person per day;
  • Training materials at Kshs.10,000/=;
  • Transport cost for the participants.

TSC requests County Directors to:-

  • Coordinate the training;
  • Secure separate venues for the trainings of Regular and SNE teachers and
  • Identify and officially invite the participants as stipulated in the tables above.

Also read; TSC releases a circular on CBC training 2021 (See training dates and mode of training)