TSC Boss Dr. Nancy Macharia at a past event.
TSC Boss Dr. Nancy Macharia at a past event.

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has released the dates when newly recruited teachers will receive their posting letters and report to their new stations. All newly recruited teachers will be posted to their new palaces of work by 30th August 2021 where they will be working on permanent and pensionable terms.

According to the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, teachers will be issued with posting letters by their Sub-County Directors before reporting to their new station of work.

The posting letters will indicate the school the teacher has been posted to. Teachers will also get appointment letters from their TSC county offices. The appointment letters will state the job grade the teacher has been appointed to and the salary scale they will enjoy.

TSC said the newly recruited teachers will be expected to take the offer of employment within 30 days by ensuring that a causality return is filled and submitted to the commission headquarter.

From 13th August to Friday 27th, 2021, the Commission will carry out verification of documents it receives from its County Directors.

The County Directors will submit a report on the status of teachers who reported or failed to report to their station to the TSC headquarters. The report should be submitted by 30th September 2021.

Also read;

TSC letters on offer of employment as a teacher- 2021

All TSC services online portals and how to log in

TSC posting, employment, letters for newly recruited teachers

TSC Dismissal letter

TSC deployment letters

TSC Promotion letter

TSC letter of probationary appointment for newly posted teachers

TSC revocation of interdiction letter

TSC interdiction letter

TSC transfer letter

TSC Show cause letter for teachers

TSC Offer of employment letter (Appointment letter)

TSC confirmation letter

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TSC promotion of teachers

In July, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) advertised close to 10,000 new recruitment vacancies for teachers. 4,000 vacancies were for Secondary schools’ new recruitment to support the Government’s 100 percent transition policy from the primary.

Another 927 vacancies were to replace secondary school teachers who have left service due to natural attrition. 4,000 teachers were to be employed on a permanent and pensionable term. 2,897 more were to be hired to replace retired teachers in high schools.

To qualify for recruitment of the 4,000 secondary teachers, a candidate must be a Kenyan, holder of at least a diploma in education, and registered with TSC.

An applicant must be a Kenyan, hold a P1 certificate, or hold a bachelor’s degree in Education with two teaching subjects.

The candidates were also expected to have attained at least a mean grade of C+ (plus) in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination and a similar grade in two teaching subjects or their equivalent.