Updated TSC Policy on Mentorship and Coaching in the Teaching Service



A transformative teaching service for quality education


To professionalize the teaching service for quality education and development


  • Professionalism
  • Customer Focus
  • Integrity
  • Team Spirit
  • Innovativeness


1.0          INTRODUCTION

ii v vi vii viii ix


2.0         RATIONALE2 
4.0         POLICY STATEMENT3 
5.0          POLICY PRINCIPLES3 
5.1         National Values3 
5.2         Professionalism3 
5.3         Confidentiality3 
5.4         Non-Discrimination3 
5.5         Voluntary Participation4 
5.6         Collaboration4 
5.7         Sustainability4 
5.8         Protection of the Mentee4 
5.9         Lifelong Learning4 
6.0          THE SCOPE4 
          The Constitution of Kenya

Teachers Service Commission Act, 2012 5

Code of Regulations for Teachers (CORT)

Code of Conduct and Ethics for Teachers (COCE)




7.5 International Labor Organization (ILO) Conventions5 
7.6 The Sexual Offences Act, 20186 
9.0          RISKS ANALYSIS6 
1.0         Introduction8 
1.1          Objectives of Mentorship and Coaching8 
5.1. Mentors/Coaches11 
5.2      Identification of Mentors at Institutional Level11 
5.3      Identification of Mentees12 
5.4        Orientation of Mentors and Mentees13 
5.5       The Mentorship and Coaching Session12 
5.5.1 Preparation12 
5.5.2 Negotiation13 





5.5.3 Progress Assessment13 
5.5.4 Closing13 
5.6 Duration of the programme14 
          The Role of the Commission Secretary and Directors at the Headquarters

The Role of National Trainers (NTs)

The Role of Regional Directors and County Directors




1.3         The Roles of Sub-County Directors16 
1.4         The Roles of the Heads of Institutions17 
1.5         The Roles of Mentors/Coaches16 
1.6         The    Roles    of    Mentees……………………………………………………………………..17 
1.0         Security and Vetting18 
2.0          Conduct18 
3.0         Incentives18 
3.1         Dispute resolution18 
3.2         Discipline18 
3.3         Grievances19 


FEEDBACK FORM (To be filled by the Mentor)




ANNEX V:           MENTORING AND EVALUATION TOOL (for supervisor)


CEO–              Chief Executive Officer
CD–              Teachers Service Commission County Director
COCE–              Code of Conduct and Ethics
CORT–              Code of Regulations for Teachers
ILO–              International Labor Organization
ITSD–              Institute of Teacher Support and Development
MTs–              Master Trainers
NTs–                National Trainers
RD–              Teachers Service Commission Regional Director
SCD–              Sub County Director
TIMEC–              Teacher Induction, Mentorship and Coaching
ToTs–              Trainer of Trainers
TPAD–              Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development
TPD–              Teacher Professional Development
TSC–              Teachers Service Commission



The Induction Mentorship and Coaching Programme has been established to complement other professional development initiatives such as the internship programme, school support programmes and those related to skills development in the teaching service. Mentorship and Coaching takes place when an experienced teacher or expert assists a teacher to grow in all spheres of their life as a proffessional.

The programme is in line with the Commission’s reform agenda and adoption of best practices in career development, professional conduct and performance management for efficient service de-livery in the teaching service. The programme is informed by the need to engage on preventive strategies and a corrective approach in the management of teacher professional conduct and per-formance. The mentor facilitates career and psycho-social development of a mentee by providing required professional support which will help to prevent occurrence of professional misconduct. This will result in improved performance in the teaching service leading to overall improved learn-ing outcomes.

The Mentorship and Coaching programme will help the teacher to make more informed decisions in their professional practice and personal lives, while also providing a full opportunity for them to access an exciting and fulfilling career. It is envisaged that the Mentorship and Coaching pro-gramme will influence employee retention by helping to establish a life-long learning culture that is attractive to top talent who desire growth opportunities in the teaching profession.

This Policy Framework will provide clear guidance in institutionalizing the mentorship and coaching programme in the teaching service. It outlines the mechanism for the roll out and for effective co-ordination at national, regional, county and institutional levels.


The Constitution of Kenya mandates the Teachers Service Commission to manage the teachers and monitor the teaching standards in the learning institutions. This contributes to achievement of quality education in Kenya. The TSC Act, 2012 provides that the Commission shall monitor the conduct and performance of teachers in the teaching service among others.

Due to the changing dynamics in the teaching service largely contributed by globalization, technological changes and other social disruptions, the teachers require support systems to manage the rapid changes and fit in. The changing work environment has resulted in teachers having professional challenges especially where the support systems are weak. Over the years, the Commission has put in place regulations and policies to guide the implementation of its functions. However, the Commission still grapples with challenges of teacher conduct and performance, which aggravates the inadequate staffing in the teaching service.

Teacher professional misconduct leads to wastage in the education sector. The man-hours wasted in the form of lost teacher-learner contact time results in poor learning outcomes and a drop in performance at all levels. To address this challenge, the Commission, in its Strategic Plan 2019 -2023, committed to implement mentorship and coaching as a preventive strategy that pre-empts indiscipline amongst teachers rather than corrective mechanisms in management of discipline.

The Teacher Induction, Mentorship and Coaching (TIMEC) Programme will enable mentees get adequately guided on their rights and obligations as enshrined in the Code of Regulations for Teachers (CORT). This will ensure that they have the right information to enable them comply with professional ethics and ethos.

Apart from supporting teachers with challenges of professional misconduct, the programme will also help teachers appointed to take up new assignments and those with identified per- formance gaps under the Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development (TPAD). Teachers who are newly recruited and newly appointed Heads of Institutions will find the necessary support to cope with their work and perform optimally when supported under the TIMEC Programme.

The Commission will also ensure that those teachers with notable performance gaps will get the necessary support from the programme. Under the principle of lifelong learning, the programme will bridge gaps and make the teachers perform better in their work. It will improve a teacher’s self-esteem thereby resulting into a more productive professional.

Finally, it is my expectation that the implimentation of the policy will be a valuable guide to all persons involved in the process of managing the institutionalisation of Mentorship and Coaching in the teaching service


CEO                  –           Chief Executive Officer

CD                    –           Teachers Service Commission County Director COCE  –                        Code of Conduct and Ethics

CORT                –           Code of Regulations for Teachers ILO    –                        International Labor Organization

ITSD                             –           Institute of Teacher Support and Development

MTs                             –           Master Trainers

NTs                  –              National Trainers

RD                    –           Teachers Service Commission Regional Director SCD              –                        Sub County Director

TIMEC             –           Teacher Induction, Mentorship and Coaching ToTs       –                        Trainer of Trainers

TPAD               –           Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development TPD     –                        Teacher Professional Development

TSC                  –           Teachers Service Commission










An approach where a supervisor supports an individual or a team by building their skills, competencies and attitudes through direction and instruction inorder to learn a paricular skill (current skills or acquiring new skills) or work towards a set goal. The purpose of coaching is to improve the individual’s performance on the job.



This entails building the capacity of the field officers, members of the Boards of Management (BoM), institutional administrators and newly appointed teachers with regard to the professional regulations, the processes and procedures in the management of teacher discipline amongst others. It also familiarizes them with work procedures and standard requirements. These are critical in guiding the professional conduct and work ethics of a teacher.



Is a record of sessions attended which enumerates sessions attended helping both the men-tor/ coach and mentee/ to keep track of the areas covered, review the action plan and prepare for the next session.



A structured, sustained process of enabling an individual to gain more knowledge and skills to assist him/her in advancing professional and personal skills and/or leadership capabilities for more effective service delivery, job perfomance and career management.



A person who is guided and supported by a more experienced individual in the field of interest and area of competency building in order to promote continuous personal development and realization of their full pontetial.



A specialist and an experienced person who seeks to pass skills, expertise and knowledge to a less experienced teacher with a view to fostering the latter‘s career and personal develpment. A mentor leads by example through his/her expertise or success.


Monitoring and Evaluation

Mechanisms put in place to ensure adherence to quality, standards, cost effectiveness and relevance of a Programme through continuous review of its implemtentation to meet the intended purpose as well as ensure its sustainability.







Teacher Cluster groups

These are formation of teachers at all educational levels within a certain geographical area whose activititie are connected, with the aim of successful innovative developments. Cluster groups provide a system for interraction, with the aim of creating conditions for support,

re-search and sharing experiences.









The Commission has a Constitutional and statutory mandate to implement among others, teacher management functions aimed at improving professionalism and integrity and safety and wellbeing of learners in learning environment. These include; exercising disciplinary control, enforcement of the relevant regulations, monitoring conduct and performance, promote professional support and devel-opment.


Teacher Induction Mentorship and Coaching (TIMEC) in the teaching service, is a structured teacher support programme aimed at embracing preventive measures in managing teacher professional conduct and performance. The professional support activities developed will enhance teacher competencies, knowledge and skills; for newly recruited teachers, including those on internship, teachers in service with performance gaps, newly appointed institutional administrators and those to be trained as mentors/coaches. The programme is based on a flexible model that allows mentors/coaches/ mentees to interract at institutional level or within zone or cluster groups, while at the same time, continue performing the teaching services.

Mentors will be drawn from; experienced registered teachers, succesful professionals, state and non state players depending on the felt needs. The teacher mentee will be able to develop professional skills and competences, practices and conduct, values and attitudes through experiential learning.


The Teacher Management supervisiors and institutional heads will be trained as Mentors/ Coaches so as to provide the needed support to the teachers. Mentorship and Coaching is based on participatory mode of learning and does not replace, but supplements, the role of immediate supervisor to provide on-the-job training and development. The lack of a policy on institutionalization of TIMEC has seen the practice focus only on induction of newly recruited teachers, albeit in an unstructured and inconsistent manner.

The policy will provide a Comprehensive framework to guide the institutionalization and im- plementation of the Programme.




The Teachers Service Commission has developed the TIMEC programme as part of a broader strategy to develop teachers’ professional ethics and practices. This entails capacity building in; knowledge, skills and competences with the aim of improving teacher conduct, perfor-mance as well as prevent occurrence of discipline. The initiative is one of the long-term inter-ventions aimed at professionalizing the teaching service. The mentees will be equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to cope with the new demands of tech-nological changes, curriculum implementation and social dynamics in the work environment. These include among others; induction on provisions of the Code of Regulations and Code of Conduct and Ethics, Careers Progression Guidelines and other relevant laws.







Through the programme, newly recruited teachers, teachers in service, newly appointed adminis- trators will be inducted, guided and supported. The programme will also target teachers experi-encing challenges in professional conduct and performance. The institutionalization of the pro-gramme will contribute to life-long learning, improved professional conduct and performance, provision of quality teaching and improved learning outcomes.




The objectives of the policy are to: –

  1. Provide standard framework for implementation of the TIMEC programme at all
  2. Inform the establishment of a platform of building capacity through engagement and shar-ing of knowledge and experiences between mentors/coaches and mentees.
  • Provide guidance on the identification and development of a pool of mentors/coaches within the teaching service for sustenance of TIMEC programme.
  1. Provide guidance on the establishment of partnership and linkages for support of the pro-grammes.
  2. Provide guidelines on sustainability and significance in relation to other existing Commission’s policy on career progression, TPD and reward and sanctions.
  3. Provide a framework for Monitoring and Evaluation on implementation of program at all levels


The Teachers Service Commission is committed to providing induction, mentorship and coaching opportunities to newly recruited teachers in public institutions to enhance their professional growth and development and retention. Teachers in service and those appointed to administrative positions, as well as teachers experiencing challenges in professional conduct and performance, will also be enlisted into the program. The support programmes will aim at building capacity in areas of need in order to improve their performance, service delivery and the wellbeing of learners


This Policy will be guided by the following principles: –


  • National Values

The implementation of this Policy will be guided by the National Values and Principles of Governance as stipulated in Article 10 and Values and Principles of Public Service as stipulated in Articles 232 of the Constitution of Kenya.







  • Professionalism

The participants will be required to uphold professionalism in their practice. The Mentors and Mentees          to conduct themselves professionally as stipulated in the Code of Regulation for teachers (CORT), 2015 and Code of Conduct and Ethics and other Legal instruments.


  • Confidentiality

Mentors, Coaches and Mentees shall have the responsibility to maintain and re-spect confidentiality of all parties.


  • Non-Discrimination

The process of identification and selection of Mentors, Coaches and Mentees will give an equal opportunity to all at any one period.



  • Voluntary Participation

The selection of mentors will be anchored on the principle of volunteerism. The mentors will be encouraged to offer their services voluntarily for the good of the teaching profession, personal career growth and the society at large.


  • Collaboration

The Commission will coordinate and seek to establish partnerships and collabora-tion with relevant stakeholders to support the Induction, Mentorship and Coaching Program.


  • Sustainability

The Commission will promote institutional ownership of Induction, Mentorship and Coaching Programmes through partnership collaboration to ensure sustainability. This will require synergy and drawing on linkages with other relevant state and non -state stakeholders for an all-round development of the mentees. The programme will also be anchored to existing commissions policy that supports career growth, professional development and reward and sanction so as to motivate and encour-age teacher participation.


  • Protection of the Mentee

The interests of the mentee shall be safeguarded while undertaking the program.


  • Lifelong Learning

The Commission will ensure continuous professional development of teachers in order to improve and upgrade their knowledge, skills and competences in re-sponse to the ever changing socio economic and technological environment and the requirements in teaching and learning.








The policy will apply to newly recruited teachers, newly appointed institutional administrators and teachers experiencing challenges in professional conduct and performance in the teaching service. It shall also apply to experienced teachers in service who will mentor and coach the above mentioned teacher.




This policy is in compliance with the existing legal provisions and relevant regulations and circular released from time to time :-


  • The Constitution of Kenya,2010
  1. Article 237 – Functions of the Teachers Service Commission
  2. Article 10 – National Values and Principles of
  • Article 53 (1) on the rights of the child
  1. Article 249(c) to promote Constitutionalism
  2. Article 232(1)(i)- Values and Principles of Public


  • Teachers Service Commission Act, 2012

The Act requires every registered teacher to comply with the teaching standards prescribed and also undertake career progression and professional development programmes. It also provides for the monitoring the conduct and performance of teachers in the teaching service.


  • Code of Regulation for Teachers (CORT).

The CORT stipulates that the commission shall administer the performance appraisal system to monitor the conduct and performance of teachers, and use the tool to identify performance gaps and take corrective measures.


  • Code of Conduct and Ethics for Teachers (COCE)

The COCE outlines the rules, values and behaviors that are required or prohibited as a condition of professional conduct and performance. It stipulates set of specific behaviors and values to be observed so as to maintain dignity and nobility of the teaching profession.


  • International Labor Organization (ILO) Conventions

Article 1 (5) of the Human Resources Development Convention No. 142 of 1975, requires that vocational programmes and policies be enacted to enable all people to develop, apply and use their capabilities as per their own aspirations and societal needs and to improve the ability of the individual to understand and influence the working and social environment.



The Commission will use the existing administrative structures to roll out, monitor and evalu- ate the implementation of the programme. Guidelines for Implementation and Monitoring and Evaluation tool, have been developed to be used at all levels to guide and to monitor and evaluate the roll out.




The possible risks will continuously be analyzed and mitigation strategies put in place. The possible risks and mitigation strategies include: –




































The policy will be reviewed as and when need arises.









1.0.      Introduction

The guidelines stipulate the processes and procedures to be undertaken to ensure standardized implementation of the programme at all levels.


  • Objectives of Mentorship and Coaching
    • The institutionalization of Teacher Induction, Mentorship and Coaching pro-gramme (TIMEC) in the teaching service aims at building teachers competences and skills as well as knowledge on laws, regulations, policies, procedures, values and norms, governing the teaching profession.
    • The programme will focus on induction of newly recruited teachers, capacity building of newly appointed school administrators and teachers In-Service wish-ing to be developed as Mentors as well as provide professional support to teach-ers experiencing challenges in professional conduct and performance.
    • TIMEC aims at achieving the following short-term and long-term objectives; –
      • Institutionalization and Implementation of the programme in all public Basic Education Institutions
      • Empowered Institutional Administrators leading to well managed
      • Teachers with performance gaps supported and developed, leading to better performance hence job satisfaction and better self-esteem.
      • Teachers with professional misconduct supported through the relevant professional development practices leading to teacher retention in the teaching service.
      • Competent and empowered teachers supporting learners academic and psychosocial needs, hence improved curriculum implementation, safe and harmonize school environment.
      • Empowered learners who are mentored, guided and counselled on career choices, moral, psychosocial and emotional issues.
      • Entrenched continuous teacher professional development and lifelong learning
      • Teachers compliance with provisions of the Code of Regulations for Teachers (CORT) and Code of Conduct and Ethics (COCE) hence improved teacher professional conduct and performance.












  • The TIMEC programme will be implemented on a cascade model and supervised using the existing TSC administrative The programme is flexible and hence may be customized as per the unique needs of a teacher or group of teachers at institutional, zonal, sub-county, county or regional levels.
  • The mentors/coaches together with the mentees, will identify the performance gaps, set goals and map out strategic interventions. The findings will inform appropriate intervention plans/ modules to support the teacher(s) professional, performance and development needs.
  • The head of institution/ supervisor will be responsible to ensure the programme is institutionalized and that mentors are identified and coached so as to support the mentees appropriately. The programme will use the lifelong learning approach to create and maintain a positive attitude to learning for personal and professional development for efficient service delivery.
  • The programme activities for newly appointed institutional administrators will be at zonal, Subcounty, County or Regional level depending on the identified needs and category of institution, whereas activities targeting other teachers will be institutional based.



  • The programme will be implemented on a cascade model, where National Trainers (NTs) will trainer Master Trainers (MTs) at regional and County who in turn train trainers of Trainers (TOTs). This approach provides a structured way of engagement where institutions will benefit from skills of an experienced teacher/ professional with unique and exemplary performance within the immediate environment/county/region.
  • The Institute of Teacher Support and Development to capacity build the National Trainers and together, develop relevant modules for each target
  • The ITSD to also develop guidelines to inform incorporation of TIMEC in TPD and mo-dalities of awarding credit pointed to those who have completed the
  • The roll out will include capacity building and training activities for the following technical teams and relevant stakeholders: –
    • Capacity building of National Trainers and Quality Assurance and Standard offic-ers at the headquarters (NTs &QAS)
    • Capacity building of Master Trainers (MTs) at the Regional and County level
    • Training of Trainers of Trainers (TOTs) at Regional/County/ Sub County level/zonal,
    • Building capacity of field officers at all levels on implementation and supervision of the programme.







  • Identification and Training of Mentors and Coaches at institutional, Zonal, Sub County, County / Regional levels.
  • Building capacity of Instructional Leaders and Board of Management (BOM) on management of teacher discipline and institutional



  • The Director of Field Services at TSC HQs is responsibility for the implementation of the Programme.
  • The implementation has an in-built monitoring and evaluation component. TIMEC re-ports will be generated from school level through to the national level and will inform Commission policy decisions.



To qualify for enlisting into the TIMEC programme as a mentor/coach, one should be;

  • A professional or expert/talented in a specific area;
  • For a teacher/ institutional administrator, must have a specific area of specialization/subject gurus;
  • Of good conduct and integrity;
  • Willing to offer service as a volunteer;
  • Persons of professional repute and enjoys respect of colleagues; and
  • The following parameters will also be considered during selection of the mentors/coaches:
    1. Gender;
    2. Persons Living with Disability, c)Religion


Identification of Mentors

The mentors within an institution may be selected from the following: –

  • Senior teachers
  • Peer Teachers
  • Team leaders
  • Subject heads and subject experts
  • The school administrators
  • A pool of specialists from diverse fields







5.3.      Identification of Mentees

The following teachers are eligible for the programmes as mentees:

  • Newly recruited teachers, including those on internship
  • Teachers newly appointed to administrative positions;
  • Teachers having challenges in performance;
  • Teacher engaging in professional conduct
  • Teachers selected to be developed as


Orientation of Mentors and Mentees

  • The success of the programme is hinged on adequate orientation of the participants at the commencement stage. The orientation

programme will enable the prospective mentors and mentees to clearly understand their roles and respon-sibilities as well as the programme objectives.

  • The orientation programme will entail the following among others:
    • An overview of the Induction, Mentorship and Coaching Programme
    • Expectations of a mentor/mentee
    • The level of commitment expected
    • Regulations, Guidelines, processes and procedures governing the TIMEC Pro-gramme
    • Other legal guiding principles including those governing communication structures, privacy, and
  • The teachers enrolled to the programme will be mentored/coached at the school level as mentorship/coaching is a one-on-one interaction between a mentor and a mentee.
  • The newly appointed institutional administrators will be mentored at Zonal/Cluster, Sub-county, County or Regional level depending on the identified are-as of needs. Mentors in a zone/cluster/School will be resource persons during zone/cluster/school meetings to share professional experiences and expertise.


The Mentorship and Coaching Session

The following activities will be undertaken during the sessions:

  • Preparation
    • The mentor and mentee should both prepare individually and in partner-ship for the meeting.
    • The mentor may explore personal motivation and their readiness to be a mentor, assess their skills and identify their own areas for learning and development.
    • Mentor and mentee to both establish clarity about their











expectations and roles by completing a mentorship plan.


  • Negotiation
    • The mentor and mentee to agree on the learning goals and define the con-tent and process of the relationship.
    • They will establish the ground rules and create a shared understanding about assumptions, expectations, goals, and
    • Draw a programmes activities schedule, and timelines, responsibilities, criteria for success and
    • Discuss confidentiality, boundaries, and limits as per


Progress Assessment

  1. The mentor and mentee will assess the progress by completing the Mentorship Session Log and Journal at the end of every session. The Session Log will help both the mentor and mentee keep a record of sessions at-tended.
  2. While the Journal will help both the mentor and mentee to keep track of the areas covered, review the action plan for the previous session and prepare another plan for the next session.



This outlines the procedure of ending a mentorship session. Tasks in this phase will include evaluating if the learning goals have been met and agreeing on the action plan of what needs to be done prior to the next session.


5.6.   Duration of the Programme

Mentorship shall be for a period, while coaching will be continuous based on need. The mentorship period shall be for at least one (1) year subject to satisfactory perfor-mance of the mentee. However, the mentor-mentee relationship may last beyond the mentorship period.



  1. The Commission Secretary will establish the Steering Committee at the headquarters and the National Technical Committee at headquarters, and the Regional Technical Committee for the region to coordinate the implementation at programme activities.
  2. Director Field Services (DFS) will be responsible for the overall implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting and the Director Quality Assurance and Standards through the Institute of Teacher Support and Development, develop the relevant modules, provide quality assurance on implementation and award TPD credit points and apply any other relevant reward to those who complete the programmes.


The NTs are member of the national technical committee at the headquarters and are responsible for; –

  1. preparation of training materials and for the general monitoring, evaluation and reporting.
  2. development of relevant induction, mentorship and coaching modules supported by the Institute of Teacher Support and Development (ITSD)
  • coordination of trainings, handling emerging issues and providing Quality Assur-ance.
  1. Monitoring and evaluation and periodic reporting on implementation process to the commission.
  2. Providing technical support to the Regional Directors and County


  • The Role of Regional Directors and County Directors

The Regional Directors, and County Directors, as members of the regional committees and as Master Trainers w (MTs) will be responsible for coordination, supervision and reporting of the implementation of the programmes. They will undertake the following activities;

  1. Guide and coordinate the process of identification and selection of mentors and coaches at the various levels in the Region and County.
  2. Maintain a databank of mentors and coaches
  • Appoint a technical committee to oversee and coordinate the implementation of the programmes at their respective levels.
  1. Organize Training of Trainers programmes for the identified Mentors/ Coaches
  2. Facilitate as a MT during capacity building programmes of TOTs
  3. Monitor and evaluation implementation of the programmes with a view to











address any challenges experienced or any emerging issues during the course of the mentorship and coaching year.

  • Submitting progress reports of the programme quarterly and annually to the


Role of Sub-County Directors

  • The Sub-County Directors (to work with Heads) to identify and train ToTs at Sub County and Zonal levels.
  • Coordinating and supporting the field officers in the roll out of
  • Providing opportunities for mentors, coaches and mentees to share their ex-
  • Providing mentors with feedback on their
  • Ensuring institutionalization of the programme at all levels and sensitization of relevant stakeholders on the benefits of the programme.
  • As Master Trainers (MTs) build capacity of mentors and coaches among the identified professionals and champions such as beacon teachers, ICT champi-ons, performing heads, senior teachers, religious leaders, other professionals, depending on identified needs.
  • Be resource persons during Zonal/cluster groups/school meetings to share professional experiences and expertise.



The Role of the Heads of Institutions.

  1. Identifying and selecting mentors and coaches at school level who meet the set
  2. As a TOT, train Mentors and Coaches at institutional
  • Institutionalize TIMEC by articulating the benefits of Induction, Mentorship and Coaching as a teacher support initiatives aimed at improving conduct and
  1. Create flexibility by allowing for time out for the mentors/coaches and mentees as scheduled, to allow for participation, tracking progress and feedback.
  2. Support mentors and coaches to develop relevant activities based on the needs of mentees at the institutional level.
  3. Sensitize the relevant stakeholders on the strategic benefits of the programme to the institution.
  • Supervise the implementation of the programme at institutional level and address any emerging issues accordingly.
  • Encourage and support eligible teachers to take up mentorship and coaching duties and responsibilities in the institution.
  1. Maintain a databank of mentors and coaches at the school
  2. Collaborate with other institutions to strengthen mentorship programme at






Zonal level /cluster groups.

  1. Submit periodic reports to the Sub County Director for Primary and County Direc-tor for the post primary institutions.
  • Any other relevant responsibilities assigned from time-to-


  • The Roles of Mentors/Coaches.

The roles and responsibilities of the mentors/coaches will include; –

  • Developing the mentorship/coaching plan with the mentee based on the identified needs
  • Scheduling mentorship/coaching meetings with the
  • Providing support by helping to clarify performance goals and development needs
  • Mentoring/coaching, guidance and counseling of the mentees
  • Assisting the mentee/ to achieve the set goals for the mentorship & coaching programme and giving feedback as required
  • Inspire mentees to take action by encouraging their initiative and
  • Acting as a role model which requires that mentors transfer desirable values and actions to mentees on professional conduct and performance.
  • Facilitating the development of managerial and technical skills, pointing out specific areas of behavioral improvement by the mentees where appli-cable.
  • Providing mentorship support activities mainly at the institutional level, as well as participating in Zonal/cluster group interactions to share ideas and innovations
  • Maintain confidentiality at all
  • Any other relevant responsibilities assigned from time-to-


The Roles of Mentees

During the mentorship and coaching process, a mentee will be required to: –

  1. Identify areas of improvement
  2. Take responsibility for own development
  • Be clear about the mentorship/coaching goals to be learnt and achieved
  1. Be proactive about initiating contact with the mentor using the various existing communication methods
  2. Be willing to listen and learn
  3. Ask for feedback and give feedback when required
  • Prepare for meetings ahead of time
  • Maintain punctuality at all times













  • Security and Vetting

To ensure safety and confidentiality of information shared, the mentor and mentee will be required to sign a prescribed confidentiality declaration form.


  • Conduct

Upon being enlisted into the Programme the mentor/mentees will abide by the following principles during their interaction at all times; –

  • Be dedicated, create time and be committed to participate as
  • Responsible to create a conducive environment that will foster honesty, fairness and mutual respect.
  • Share information, ideas, knowledge and experiences to gain the maximum benefits through experiential learning.
  • Maintain mutual respect for continuous professional


  • Incentives

On successful completion of the programme,

  1. A certificate of completion to be issued to both the mentor and the
  2. The mentor and mentee to earn TPD points as provided for in the TPD policy frame-work and career progression guidelines.
  • Certificate of completion of mentorship and coaching programme to be considered as an added advantage in promotions, appointment posts or recognition reward.


  • Dispute resolution

The resolution of disputes if they occur between mentors and mentees to be dealt with in the following ways; –


Where mentors/coaches/mentees commit acts of misconduct, disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the CORT, and/or the Laws of Kenya.


  • Grievances

If a mentees or mentor feels aggrieved by any matter arising from their working conditions, they may lodge a complaint to the immediate supervisor and /or as per the Commission’s procedure.


I,                                                                          ,          do         hereby         accept         to            mentor,

                                                                            in his/her profession as a teacher/school administrator and trust that it will be a rewarding experience in enhancing his/her career and that it will be limited to discussing issues related to the teaching profession and career development.

I commit to abide by the following:


  1. The induction, mentorship and coaching relationship will last for the necessary period of
  2. To have mutual respect for opinions, individuals and decisions made in the process
  3. The mentorship and coaching will be on a one-to-one contact. All the contents of our meetings will be treated with confidentiality.
  4. To be punctual for agreed mentoring and coaching sessions
  5. To maintain professional standards and behavior in all our interactions



  1. My role as a Mentor will include:




  1. Your role as a Mentee will include:



  1. We will be honest and provide constructive feedback to each other, and be open to such


Mentor’s Name:                                                                 Signature:                                  




Mentee’s Name:                                                           Signature:                                                                                     Date:                                                                                           




























Name of Mentee: ……………………

Name of Mentor: ………………………

Mentoring and Coaching Venue……….…………… Date: ……………………………………


  1. Areas Covered during the Mentorship and coaching Session:
    • ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



  • ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



  • ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


  1. Action Plan on the Areas:
    • …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



  • …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



  • ……………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………


  1. Review of Action Plan:
    • …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


…………… ………………….…………………..

  • …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


…………… ………………………………………

  • …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



(To be filled by the Mentor)


Name of Mentor: ……………………………………………………………………..…

Name of Mentee………………………………………………………………………….


  1. Number of mentorship and coaching sessions scheduled to date
  2. Number of sessions covered to date

If     the     two     above     are     not     consistent,    please     give     an        explanation



  1. Main topics covered to date:



  1. Did the       mentee       keep       time?       If       no,       please       provide       more            details



  1. Is the time allocated for mentorship and coaching adequate to address the targeted areas? Please explain


  1. Is the venue for mentorship and coaching appropriate? Please elaborate


  1. Please share with us any key challenges faced during the Induction, Mentorship and Coaching


  1. Suggest how these challenges should be


  1. In your opinion, what would you say are the key successes so far of the Induction, Mentorship and Coaching Programme in relation to the set objectives?


  1. What would you recommend to make the Induction, Mentorship and Coaching Programme more successful?


  1. Any other feedback?












To be completed by a Supervisor


Region…………………………………  County………………………………….

Sub-County……………………………    Institution.……………………………………


1.Mentors/ Coaches identified  
2.The Mentoring/ Coaching Training Programme                                                                           is


3.Evaluation of Mentoring/ Coaching training  
4.Mentors/Coaches  develop  first  draft  of  Mentoring/

Coaching plan

5.Welcome/orientation of New Mentees and Mentors/ Coaches.  
6.Mentors/Coaches are matched with New Mentees.  
7.Mentor and New Mentees share expectations, develop 6-

week plan and schedule regular meetings.

8.Mentors begin to track Mentee activities  
9.Mentoring/ Coaching begins.

Mentors/ Coaches support New Mentees and meet with them regularly to share information, to compare expectations, and to revise plans to meet New Mentees needs.

10.End of first 6-week period


Mentors review their progress as Mentors/Coaches, identify new challenges, and offer support to Mentees.

11.Mentors/ Coaches meet to share experiences  
12.End of 3 months


All Mentor/ Coach -Mentee pairs meet to share

progress, identify needs, and revise plans for next the quarter


Midpoint evaluation of Mentoring/ Coaching Programme.

13.Repeat steps 7- 12 for the next quarter  
14.Final evaluation of Mentoring/ Coaching Programme:- Mentor/Coach and Mentee Self-Assessment

Final evaluation of Mentoring/ Coaching Training.



Name………………………………………………………                                                                                                 Sign……………………. TSC No…………………………………

Designation…………………………… Date……………………………………


See also  List of JSS Deployed Teachers Per County (Nakuru)

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