Are you registering for this year’s Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) examinations? Knec registers candidates for various examinations.
These examinations (that are administered by Knec) include:
- The Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) is administered to learners who have completed the primary education cycle of eight years;
- The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) is offered to learners who have completed the secondary education cycle of four years.
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Qualifying Test (QT) is offered to learners without KCPE qualification who wish to sit for KCSE examination.
- Primary Teacher Education (PTE)
- Diploma in Teacher Education (DTE)
- Teacher Certificate in Adult Education (TCAE)
- Diploma in Special Needs Education Part I and II
- Early Childhood Development Education
- Proficiency
- Certificate and
- Diploma Examination (ECDE)
- Business Technical examinations
- Educe International (EI) – offering GCE/IGCSE Examinations
- International Examinations (CIE) – GCE/IGCSE Examinations
- International Baccalaureate Organization (IB Diploma).
- Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM).
- Cambridge International College(CIC)
Simply walk into any of these banks and ask for the Knec deposit slip. Fill out the slip correctly and hand it over together with the amount to deposit to the teller.
The slip is filled in triplicate. The bank teller will then give you the original computer generated bank deposit slip and receipt.
How to fill the Knec deposit slip.
Filling the Knec deposit slip is very easy. You will be expected to enter the details below:
- Date when the deposit is being made,
- Bank branch where the deposit is being made,
- Name of the examination centre or private candidate and
- Amount to be deposited.
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The KCPE Knec Portal login and candidates registration at
Knec Login; Complete Guide for Knec Portals Login
Knec KCSE Registration Portal at