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The Kenyan law requires all public officers to declare their wealth; periodically. This declaration is made online and there are hefty penalties for officers who fail to declare their income, assets and liabilities within the stipulated time. According to the Public Ethics Act of 2003, It is mandatory for all public officers to declare their income, assets and liabilities once in every two years. Under this act, a public officer who provides incomplete and inaccurate information is liable for a fine of one Million Kenya shillings or imprisonment for a period of one year or both. For teachers, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) provides a portal that enables the declaration. This portal can be accesses by clicking on;

Required information during the declaration process.

One needs to have the following information in order to fill out the declaration forms: Name of the public officer, Information on birth (place and date), marital status, address (postal and physical), employment information (designation, employer name, terms of employment, TSC number, Work station and Sub- county), Name of Spouse (s), Name (s) of dependent children who are eighteen years & below, income (salary, emoluments and other incomes from businesses, rent e.t.c), assets (e.g land, buildings, vehicles, machinery e.t.c), Liabilities (e.g loans) and a witness (like a colleague at work is required).


Wealth Declaration by TSC teachers; How to declare incomes, assets and liabilities


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