2019 Wealth declaration for teachers and other public officers; the Declaration of Income, Assets & Liabilities form
The Kenyan law requires all public officers to declare their wealth; periodically. This declaration is made online and there are hefty penalties for officers who fail to declare their income, assets and liabilities within the stipulated time. According to the Public Ethics Act of 2003, It is mandatory for all public officers to declare their income, assets and liabilities once in every two years. Under this act, a public officer who provides incomplete and inaccurate information is liable for a fine of one Million Kenya shillings or imprisonment for a period of one year or both. The latest declaration was done in December 2017. Consequently, the next declaration will be done in 2019.
The Declaration of Income, Assets & Liabilities form contains the following fields:
1). Name of the Public Officer.
The Officer is expected to give the Surname, First Name and/ or Other Names
2). Birth Information; Here, the officer gives:
a). Date of Birth
b). Place of Birth
3). Marital Status: The officer declares whether married or not.
4). Address i.e:
a). Postal Address
b). Physical Address
5). Employment Information that include:
a). Designation/ Job group.
b). Name of Employer
c). Nature of Employment(Permanent, Temporary, Contract, e.t.c.)
d). Employment Number/ T.S.C.
e). Work Station/ School/Institution
f). Sub County
6). Name of Spouse or Spouses; The Employee lists the spouse (s) detailing the Surname, First Name and/ or Other Names
7). Name of Dependent children under the ages of 18 years by giving the Surname, First Name, and/ or Other Names.
8). Financial Statement; The officer gives the:
a). Statement Date
Statement date is the first date of the month preceding the month in which the declaration is due.
b). Income (as of Statement Date); Which include: Income, including emoluments, for the declaration period.
d). Liabilities (as of Statement Date) that are: Loans etc.
Description Approximate Amount
9). Other Information that may be useful or relevant; The officer is expected to provide any other information deemed relevant to the declaration.
10). Declaration by the Officer i.e I solemnly declare that the information I have given in this declaration is, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete.
a). Signature of officer: i.e the Officer’s ID Number.
b). Date: Date when declaration is filed.
11). Witness details; The witness can be a colleague at the place of work. The following details about the witness are required: Witness:
a). Name:
b). ID Number/ Passport:
Wealth Declaration by TSC teachers; How to declare incomes, assets and liabilities
Requirements for declaration of income, assets and Liabilities (Wealth) by all public officers.