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Adding teachers on the TMIS portal is quite easy. This can be done by the school head. If you have the login details given by the school head you can as well proceed.

1. Open your browser like Chrome and visit the link https://teachersonline.tsc.go.ke/ the below window will appear

TSC lists thousands of teachers missing on TMIS, gives deadline for registration
TMIS home page

2. In the User Name part enter the school headteachers TSC number and then enter his password for login in to TMIS. Once you have entered the details click Log in and the below window will appear with the name of the school head on top right corner

TSC lists thousands of teachers missing on TMIS, gives deadline for registration
TMIS page after successful login in

3. Place you cursor on TMIS RETURNS and click Submit Teachers Returns. The below window will appear

TSC lists thousands of teachers missing on TMIS, gives deadline for registration
School details section

4. Now click Next To Enrollment as shown above. The below window showing the school enrollment will appear

TSC lists thousands of teachers missing on TMIS, gives deadline for registration
School enrollment section

5. Now click Next To Teachers Details as shown above. A window containing details of each teacher in the school will be displayed. This is also the place where you can add a missing teacher or remove (deleting) those who transferred or retired.

6. Now enter the TSC number of the teacher you want to add and then press Enter on your keyboard. The TSC number should be entered in the TSC No. column as shown below just next to the search icon.

Enter the teachers TSC number and search by pressing Enter

7. Once you press Enter on your keyboard to search the teachers details will appear. Not all details of the teacher will appear others like Date Reported to Current Station, Responsibility, Nationality, Date of First Appointment, Date of App. to Current Grade, Religion, SNE specialization, Leave Type etc you will have to enter them manually.

Once you are through entering the teacher details just save them by clicking the save button on the right corner as shown below.

Save button is circled click to save teacher details

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