Junior Secondary Schools, JSS, Curriculum Implementation, Subjects, Lessons Allocation {MoE GUIDELINES}

The Ministry of Education has released the final guidelines on Curriculum implementation at Junior Secondary Schools, JSS. The guidelines are on subject areas, number of lessons and curriculum designs.


       Overview of the Curriculum Implementation of JSS

JSS comprises Grades 7- 9 for 12/13 – 14/15-year-old learners. The curriculum for this level is broad- based and has both core and optional subjects. This is aimed at enabling learners explore their interests and potential as a basis for selecting subjects at Senior Secondary School according to different career pathways. (BECF, 2017).

The JSS curriculum is a progression from upper Primary where a similar curriculum is offered, with concentration on numeracy, literacy and social skills. Provision is made for learners with visual impairment, hearing impairment, physical impairment and mild cerebral palsy through adaptation of the curriculum designs, text books and teacher’s guides. A Pre-vocational level curriculum is provided for learners who are unable to undertake the regular or adapted curricula as illustrated in Figure 2.

In this regard, the JSS leadership SHOULD ensure that:

Distribution of Lessons for the Regular and Adapted Curricula

Table 3 shows the distribution of lessons for the regular and adapted JSE Curriculum.

Table 3: Distribution of Lessons for the Regular and Adapted JSE Curricula

S/No Subjects Number of Lessons Per Week

(40 minutes per lesson)

1. English 5
2. Mathematics 5
3. Pre-technical studies 4
4. Kiswahili/KSL 4
5. Integrated Science 4
6. Social Studies 3
7. Business Studies 3
8. Agriculture 3
9. Religious Education. Learners to choose one of

the following (IRE, HRE, CRE)

10. Health Education 2
11. Sports and Physical Education 2
12. Life Skills Education 1
13. Option 1 3
14 Option 11 3




 Time- tabling of Lessons for the Regular and Adapted JSE Curriculum

The prototype time table is attached in Annex 2. This implies that classroom learning SHALL be conducted as follows:

In order to ensure effective implementation of the curriculum, ALL JSSs SHOULD:


       Pre- vocational Level curriculum

Learners who are not able to follow the regular curriculum SHALL follow the Stage-based Pathway and curriculum which is pegged on achievement of identified milestones rather than the age of the learner. These include learners with severe autism, deaf blindness, intellectual and multiple disabilities.


The Pre-vocational level curriculum SHALL entail the following learning areas:

Table 4: Distribution of Lessons in the Pre-Vocational Level Curriculum


  Learning areas Number of lessons
1 Pre-vocational skills 10
2 Physical and Health Education 5
3 Communication and Social Skills 4
4 Daily Living Skills 3
5 Mathematical Activities 3
6 Music and Movement 3
7 Religious Education (CRE, HRE, IRE) 3
8 Hygiene, Nutrition and Safety 3
9 Environmental Activities 3
10 Social Studies 3
11 Total 40


In this regard, the leadership of Special JSSs offering the Pre- vocational curriculum SHOULD ensure the following:

                    The Pre- vocational Level Time Table

The Pre- vocational level timetable SHOULD be implemented as follows:

                Learning Resources

Learning resources refer to electronic and non- electronic teaching and learning materials. In this regard, the JSS leadership SHALL ensure all learners including those with special needs and disability in JSS and Pre-vocational levels are provided with text books by Government at a ratio of 1:1 in all subject areas. In addition, the MoE and KICD SHALL:

                The Integrated Science Curriculum

The JSS Science curriculum emphasizes inquiry-based learning experiences. These accord learners the opportunity to use content knowledge to develop information processing and problem-solving skills. Focus is on formative performance assessment, to breach the theory-practice gap in Science classrooms. As such, the implementation of a scientific learning culture at JSS will require simple basic and adaptive facilities or resources and spaces that will enable learners to practice both the manipulative and basic process skills suggested in the Curriculum Designs.

Table 5 summarises the main activities that require a Science or mobile laboratory and/or Science kit, with the suggested learning experiences in the four strands of the Grade 7 Curriculum Designs

Table 5: Grade 7 Science Activities that Necessitate a Mobile Lab or Science Kit.

Grade 7  Prescribed Learning Activities/Experiments
Strand Sub-Strand Suggested Experiments
1.0 scientific investigations 1.4 Laboratory apparatus and instruments Identification of laboratory apparatus and instruments (for heating, measuring mass, temperature, length, volume, weight, magnification and time) (include parts and functions of a microscope and Bunsen burner)

Experiment on handling, use and care for the apparatus and instruments in the laboratory.

Experiment on safety precautions when handling chemicals, apparatus and instruments in the laboratory.

2.0 Mixtures, Elements and Compounds 2.1 Mixtures Experiment on classification of different types of mixtures as homogeneous or heterogeneous (solid-solid, solid-liquid, liquid-liquid and gas-gas mixtures).

Experiments to determine the boiling and melting points of pure and impure substances (ice, candle wax, water, salty water).

Separation of different types of mixtures (simple distillation, filtration, decantation, use of a magnet, sublimation, paper chromatography, solvent extraction, crystallization).

2.2 Acids, bases and indicators Experiment on preparation and use of plant extract indicator to classify common household solutions as either acidic or basic.

Classification of different household solutions as either acidic or basic using indicators (use methyl orange, litmus or phenolphthalein).

Classification of acidic or basic solutions as either strong or weak. (use universal indicator, pH scale and pH chart).

3.0 Living Things and their


3.1Reproduction in human beings Illustration and animations showing fertilization and implantation (movement of the sperm, fusion with the egg, formation of zygote and its implantation on uterus).
3.2 Human Excretory System-Skin and Urinary System Illustration on parts and functions of the human skin (hair, sweat glands and epidermis –avoid homeostatic functions of the skin).

Illustration on parts of the urinary system and their functions (external appearance of the kidney and vessels serving kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra).

Experiment on use of hand lens to observe the external parts of the skin (hair and sweat pores).

4. Force and Energy Static Electricity Practical to show the presence of static charges in objects.

Practical on charge different objects by rubbing, induction and other basic methods Practical to show attraction and repulsion between charged objects.

Demonstration of safety measures when dealing with static charges (include lightning).

Electrical Energy. Demonstrations of sources of electricity (hydro-electric power, geothermal, solar, wind power).

Practical on setting up simple electrical circuits. (series and parallel arrangement of cells and bulbs).

Experiments to classify materials as conductors and non-conductors of electricity. Filed work to identify various electrical appliances in the locality.

Demonstrations of safety measures to observe when using electrical appliances. Demonstrations on uses of electricity in the environment.

Magnetism Field work activities and practical to identify and collect materials within the environment, sort and group them as magnetic and non-magnetic materials.

Practical or experiments to show attraction between two unlike poles and repulsion between two like poles of magnets.

Demonstration on uses of magnets

Animations to show force between like and unlike poles of magnets.


     The JSS Pre-Technical Studies Curriculum

The JSS Pre-technical studies curriculum SHALL be implemented as follows;


Table 6 guides the JSS teachers on how to cost- effectively implement the Grade 7 Pre-technical studies curriculum design.

Table 6: Proposed Cost- Effective Implementation of the Grade 7 Pre- technical Studies Curriculum Design


Strand How to Implement Resources Comments
Safety ·        Within the classroom

·        Invite resource persons on safety

·        Extended activities

Charts, first aid kit, digital devices, print materials, online resources ·        Necessitates teacher creativity to improvise the resources
Materials ·        Within the classroom

·        In the locality (workplaces, workshops, construction sites, businesses, industries etc).

·        Extended activities

Charts, digital devices, print materials, online resources, common waste materials in the locality ·        Necessitates teacher creativity to improvise the resources

·        Teacher to scan the environment to

get resources for the strand

·        Content can be implemented without incurring any cost.

Tools ·        Within the classroom

·        In the locality (workplaces, workshops, construction sites, businesses, industries etc)

·        Extended activities

Charts, digital devices, print materials, online resources, locally available tools such as household tools, farming tools ·        As with materials (above)

·        Necessitates parental involvement.

Drawing ·        Within the classroom

·        In the locality (workplaces, workshops, construction sites, businesses, industries etc)

·        Extended activities

Charts, digital devices, print materials, online resources, Drawing papers, Geometrical sets (used in mathematics) ·        Requires geometrical sets which are also used in mathematics

·        Necessitates teacher creativity to

improvise the resources

·        May be implemented without any cost.

·        Necessitates parental involvement.

Energy Resources ·        Within the classroom

·        In the locality (workplaces, workshops, construction sites, businesses, industries etc).

·        Extended activities

Charts, digital devices, print materials, online resources ·        Necessitates teacher creativity to improvise the resources

·        Teacher to scan the environment to

get resources for the strand

·        May be implemented without any cost

·        Necessitates parental involvement.


       Learner Support Programmes

The JSS leadership SHALL implement the following programmes to support and enhance the implementation of the JSS and Pre-Vocational level curriculum. Relevant adaptations and modification SHALL be ensured to enable the learners with special needs perform the related tasks and achieve the learning outcomes.

       Parental Empowerment and Engagement

Parents have a shared responsibility with learning institutions to provide a conducive environment that motivates ALL learners to achieve their full potential. In regard to Parental Empowerment and Engagement (PEE) the leadership of JSS and Pre-Vocational institutions SHALL:

(v)    Provide timely feedback to parents and guardians on issues affecting their children’s learning through various forums including social platforms.


                Community Service Learning

Community Service Learning (CSL) is an educational activity that provides experiential learning for the purpose of integrating theory and practice. In this case, the leadership of JSS and Pre- vocational institutions SHALL:

  1. Initiate a variety of CSL activities to allow learner’s adequate
  2. Ensure CSL is implemented, in accordance with existing MoE
  1. Collaborate with parents, and the community in implementing CSL
  2. Establish and maintain partnerships with relevant organizations and/or stakeholders for CSL
  3. Ensure learners are sensitized on the ethos and skills required for effective participation in CSL activities

                Citizenship Education

Citizenship Education (CE) seeks to empower learners to contribute positively by developing the knowledge and experiences needed to understand their rights and responsibilities. This will enable learners of all ages to assume active roles, locally, regionally and globally in building more peaceful, tolerant, inclusive and secure societies. In this case, the leadership of JSS and Pre- vocational institutions SHALL:

                Environmental Education

Environmental Education (EE) creates awareness of the environment and enables learners acquire knowledge, skills, values, experiences and attitudes to solve present and future environmental problems as well as take responsibility to achieve environmental sustainability and development. In this regard, the leadership of JSS and Pre- vocational institutions SHALL:

  Value-Based Education

Value Based Education (VBE) is anchored on culture, religion, morals and societal values that emphasize character and personality development for individual wellbeing and lifelong service. VBE is best implemented through a whole-school approach, to enable learners identify, form and practice values that satisfy acceptable societal norms. In this regard, the leadership of JSS and Pre- vocational institutions SHALL:

       Career Guidance

Career guidance will be implemented, to help learners choose the appropriate career path. In this case, the leadership of JSS and Pre- vocational institutions SHALL:

       Religious Education Programme(REP)

Religious programmes in schools are envisaged to support the learners’ spiritual growth. In this case, the leadership of JSS and Pre- vocational institutions SHALL:

       Non-Formal and Informal Learning

Non-formal learning programmes support formal learning. The Non-formal programmes include school assemblies, clubs, sports and societies. Informal learning also referred to as the hidden curriculum is the knowledge, attitude, values and behaviour acquired by the learners through social interactions in and out of school. In this case, the leadership of JSS and Pre- vocational institutions SHALL:

                Professional Documents

Professional documents are prepared by the teacher to guide effective and efficient implementation of the curriculum. These include Schemes of Work, Lesson Plan, Record of Work Covered, and Individualized Education Plan for learners with special needs and disabilities. In this regard, the JSS leadership SHALL ensure that:

( ix) Where a JSS has more than one stream, the record of work is used as a supervision tool on curriculum implementation across the streams.

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