Brief History of Kamwenja Teachers’ College
Kamwenja Teachers’ College was started in 1924 by Bishop Perlo Vicar Apostolic of Nyeri under the sponsorship of Consolata Missionary Society who managed it up to 1958. It is located in Nyeri Central District of Nyeri County 8 Kms North West of Nyeri Town. The original name was Nyeri Teachers’ Training College started in the Mathari Pastoral centre by Consolata Missionaries of Turin, Italy. It started as a men’s college and became co-educational in 1970 with the first 20 women students admitted. It acquired the new name in 1938 derived from a fig tree that belonged to a man called Mwenja hence the name Kamwenja.
1970 was also a landmark because that was the year when the first African principal was appointed – a Mr. Francis Ndegwa, who headed the institution up to 1975.
The college stands on a 75 acre plot. The first Christian brothers from America took over in 1958 and introduced KT1 and KT2 (equivalent of P1 and P2 teachers). In 1974, St. Cecilia Women Teachers’ Training College in Mathari Mission closed down and joined Kamwenja for efficient economic management.  In 1977 a special class for Teachers undertaking S1 course for the hearing impaired children was transferred from Siriba (present Maseno University) to Kamwenja Teachers’ Training College and lasted for 10 years as it was later transferred to KISE in 1996.
Our college is one of the 21 public teacher training colleges which trains P1 teachers for the Kenya Primary Schools (public and private) and across the borders i.e. the East African Community countries and beyond.
The college is established on a strong religious culture under the sponsorship of catholic Arch diocese of Nyeri. As one of the government institutions it is guided by the government policies entailed in Sessional Paper No.1 of 2005 of Education and Training.
Currently the college is managed by the Board of Management (BOM). It is chaired by Mr. Fred Ngatia. The Board is appointed by the Minister of Education as per the Education Act and the Chief Principal is the secretary to the Board.
The population of students has grown steadily from 200 in 1965 to 840 in 2016. The number of teaching staff today stands at 71. Non teaching staff is 53 at present.
Principals since 1924
The following is a list of principals who have served in Kamwenja:
1924 – 1928 – Father Louis Massa
1928 – 1948 – Fr. G. Barra
1948 – 1953 – Fr. Luka
1953 – 1959 – Fr. Tarsisio Rossi
1960 – 1962 – Brother Columban
1963 – 1966 – Bro. Thomas
1967 – 1969 – Bro. Amedy Sands
1970 – 1975 – Mr. Francis Ndegwa
1976 – 1982 – Mr. Joseph B. Ndungu
1983 – 1987 – Mr. Dominic J. Owino
1988 – 1993 – Mr. Francis Mwangi
1994 June – 2002 – Mr. Michael G. Kanore
July 2002 – August 2003 – Mr. C. K. Kariuki
Sept. 2003 – December 2006 – Ms Helen Waweru
Jan. 2007 – Dec. 2007 – Mr Fredrick Wamae
Jan. 2008 – 20th Sept. 2020 – Ms. Anastasia M. Mutuku, HSC
21st Sept. 2020  – Present – Mr. Wycliffe Wafula
Academic Performance
The college has been performing very well in P.T.E. exams, which are done at the end of the two year course.
Games and Sports
The college has been excelling in games and sports. The college participates competitively at national level.
Board of Management
The board of Management is composed of high caliber members under the chairmanship of His eminence John Cardinal Njue. Note that this is a Catholic Sponsored college, hence religious traditions are observed very strictly.
Care of the Environment
In 2005, we planted 6,000 tree seedlings; inside and outside the college while in 2006, we planted 1,100 tree seedlings in the college. These trees act as windbreak. When they mature, we will use them for firewood and timber. The students have done a commendable job in this field steered by the environmental club headed by Mrs. Thuo, their Patron.
Clubs and Societies
They are active and extend a helping hand to those in need. Our scouts are active both within and outside the college.
The college choir comes in handy when there are festivals inside and outside college. The catholic action members mobilize other members to collect foodstuff and clothing with which they visit the children’s homes. The SDA, C.U and the young Muslims have also been actively involved in touching other people’s lives positively.
[email protected]
+254 726 238 121
+254 731 176 054
Kamwenja Teachers’ College
P.O Box 152 – 10100
Telephone Nos:
+254 726 238 121
+254 731 176 054
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