• July 3, 2024 12:07 pm

KMTC latest intake news – Thousands of first years admitted

Jul 1, 2024
KMTC Campuses, Courses, Requirements and how to apply.KMTC Campuses, Courses, Requirements and how to apply.

Excitement as College receives thousands of first-year students

This year marked the beginning of a new chapter for Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) as thousands of first-year students reported to its various Campuses across the country.

Visibly proud parents and guardians lined up at the KMTC grounds to show support for their children as they enroll.

Ag. Chief Executive Officer Dr. Kelly Oluoch led the KMTC fraternity in sending a congratulatory and warm welcome message to all students.

“Today, you have been handed a blank cheque, and what you do for the duration of your stay at the College will determine the next phase of your life,” he said.

He encouraged all the students to concentrate on their studies and always strive to achieve the best in the short period of their learning.

Dr. Oluoch assured them (students) that the College is committed to ensuring that they get the highest quality training to excel in their careers.

“Having been ranked as the second-best College in Kenya for the second time in the webometrics rankings, students are assured that joining KMTC will give them top-notch skills to help tackle emerging global health challenges,” he said.

KMTC remains the most outstanding medical college in the country, attracting students from all parts of the country.

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