Pangani Girls High is a prestigious national school in Nairobi county. It is a dream of every girl to join this high flying school. The school had candidature of 275…
Tag: pangani girlsย high school
Pangani Girls High school KCSE 2023 Results Analysis, Grade Count
Pangani Girls High school continued to post good performance at the KCSE examinations. In the 2023 examinations the school saw all the candidates registered getting grade C+ and above in…
Pangani Girls High School’s KCSE 2023-2024 Results and Grades Count
Pangani Girls High school is a top performing prestigious school in Nairobi county of Nairobi region. The school has registered an impressiveย performance in the KCSE 2023 exams by having…
Pangani Girls High School’s KCSE 2023-2024 Results and Grades Distribution
Pangani Girls High school is a top performing prestigious school in Nairobi county of Nairobi region. The school has registered an impressive performance in the KCSE 2023 exams by having…
Pangani Girls KCSE Results 2023-2024: Mean Score, Grades Count
Pangani Girls high school has once again recorded very nice results at the 2023 Kenya Certificate ofSecondary Education, KCSE, exams. Pangani Girls KCSE results in 2023 are impressive despite missing…