Tag: TSC recruitment 2022 Replacement

  • TSC- Kitui County to get the highest new teachers in recruitment

    TSC- Kitui County to get the highest new teachers in recruitment

    Kitui county will get the highest number of new teachers of the 35,550 to be recruited by the Teachers Service Commission, TSC. The County will get a sum total of 1,475 new teachers. Out of this, 434 will be employed on permanent and pensionable terms while the rest will be interns. Kakamega County comes second…

  • TSC online recruitment portal for the 35,550 vacancies

    The online recruitment portal will be opened on Tuesday December 13, 2022 at  9.30am. You will have a total of 96 hrs(4 days) to make your application. To ensure that your application goes through swiftly use a laptop or desktop. Dont rely so much on cyber cafe guys, do it yourself. This way, you will…