Training Programme
The introductory module has five (5) chapters which are expected to be completed within one year. The content of each chapter is based on current knowledge and research applicable to the practical needs of a Kenyan classroom teacher. The content and activities are applicable to real-life situation of a practicing teacher, are self-directed and experiential. They reflect a diversity of perspectives and address the knowledge, skills and attitudes required of a teacher in line with the TPD Policy Framework.
Introductory Module Learning Outcomes
Participants will:
1) Deepen understanding of the concept of Teacher Professional Development and its application
2) Enhance knowledge and skills in Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Instructional Strategies
3) Enhance knowledge and skills in Competence Based Curriculum and Core competencies of basic education
4) Enhance awareness of inclusive practices
5) Enhance knowledge and skills in designing of Formative and Summative Assessment
6) Develop skills and competency in comprehensive school health and safety
7) Enhance knowledge and skills in instructional leadership
8) Enhance knowledge and skills in Financial Literacy
ALSO READ; Teacher Professional Development, TPD, modules programme by TSC
The Module will be offered through 2 modes
i. Face to face (On site )
ii. Online platform: Participants will access the online content any time anywhere Year 2021 and Year 2022… The module will be offered wholly online
Day 1: Teacher Professionalism and Career Growth
Overview of the day
Setting the Ground Rules
Click the link on introduction to take you Microsoft Teams
Introductory Module
Chapter 1: Teacher Professionalism Lesson 1: Meaning of Teacher Professional Development
Want to Learn
Group tasks
Group processing
One thing I have learned
One thing I have contributed to the group
Reflection of the lesson
I learned that…
I need to learn more about.
What I liked about the day was…
Suggestions I have for improvement of the day include….
LMS 10.30-11.00am Heath Break
Lesson 1: Kenya Professional Teaching Standards
Want to Learn
Group tasks
Group processing
One thing I have learned
One thing I have contributed to the group
Reflection of the lesson
I learned that…
I need to learn more about.
What I liked about the day was…
Suggestions I have for improvement of the day include….
1.00pm-2.00pm Health break
Lesson3: TPD Planning Process
Want to Learn
Group tasks
Group processing
One thing I have learned
One thing I have contributed to the group
Reflection of the lesson
I learned that…
I need to learn more about.
What I liked about the day was…
Suggestions I have for improvement of the day include….
Lesson Tool Day 2 Introductory Module Chapter 2: CBC, Pedagogy and Inclusive Practices
8.30-10.30am Lesson 1: Competence Based Curriculum and core competencies
Want to Learn
Group tasks
Group processing
One thing I have learned
One thing I have contributed to the group
Reflection of the lesson
I learned that…
I need to learn more about.
What I liked about the day was…
Suggestions I have for improvement of the day include….
Lesson Tool 10.30-11am Health Break
11-1.00pm Lesson 2: Howard Gardner ‘s Multiple Intelligence theory KWL Know Want to Learn Exposition Group tasks
Lesson Tool
Group processing One thing I have learned One thing I have contributed to the group Reflection of the lesson I learned that… I need to learn more about. What I liked about the day was… Suggestions I have for improvement of the day include…. Lesson 3: Learner-Centred Strategies KWL Know Want to Learn Exposition Group tasks Group processing One thing I have learned One thing I have contributed to the group Reflection of the lesson I learned that… I need to learn more about. What I liked about the day was… Suggestions I have for improvement of the day include…. Lesson 4: ICT integration in teaching and learning KWL Know Want to Learn Exposition Group tasks Group processing One thing I have learned One thing I have contributed to the group Reflection of the lesson I learned that… I need to learn more about. What I liked about the day was… Suggestions I have for improvement of the day include…. 1.00-200pm Lunch Break
Lesson 5: Inclusive education practices
Want to Learn
Group tasks
Group processing
One thing I have learned
One thing I have contributed to the group
Reflection of the lesson
I learned that…
I need to learn more about.
What I liked about the day was…
Suggestions I have for improvement of the day include….
Lesson Tool 3.30-4.00pm Live webinar –Recap of the entire day Day 3: Assessment
Introductory Module
Chapter 3: Assessment Lesson One: Types of Assessment: AS, For and Of Learning
Want to Learn
Group tasks
Group processing
One thing I have learned
One thing I have contributed to the group
Reflection of the lesson
I learned that…
I need to learn more about.
What I liked about the day was…
Suggestions I have for improvement of the day include….
Lesson Tool 10.30-11.00am Health Break Lesson 2: Formative Assessment Tools/ Strategies KWL Know Want to Learn Exposition Group tasks LMS Lesson Tool
Group processing One thing I have learned One thing I have contributed to the group Reflection of the lesson I learned that… I need to learn more about. What I liked about the day was… Suggestions I have for improvement of the day include…. 1.00-2.00pm Lunch Break 2.00-3.30pm Lesson 3: Assessment Rubrics KWL Know Want to Learn Exposition Group tasks Group processing One thing I have learned One thing I have contributed to the group Reflection of the lesson I learned that… I need to learn more about. What I liked about the day was… Suggestions I have for improvement of the day include…. LMS Lesson Tool Day 4: Chapter 4: Comprehensive school health and Safety
Lesson 1: Comprehensive Safety
Want to Learn
Group tasks
Group processing
One thing I have learned
One thing I have contributed to the group
Reflection of the lesson
I learned that…
I need to learn more about.
What I liked about the day was…
Suggestions I have for improvement of the day include….
Lesson Tool
Want to Learn
Group tasks
Group processing
One thing I have learned
One thing I have contributed to the group
Reflection of the lesson
I learned that…
I need to learn more about.
What I liked about the day was…
Suggestions I have for improvement of the day include….
10.30-11.00am Health Break
11.00-1.00pm Lesson 3: fire safety and safe emergency evacuation
i. The concept of fire and the fire chemistry
ii. Principles of heat propagation
iii. Classification of fire
iv. Fire protection equipment
v. Safe use of portable fire extinguishers
vi. Safe emergency evacuation
vii. Strategic teaching/learning interventions in a war, conflict, famine, terrorism, situations Reflection of the lesson
I learned that…
I need to learn more about.
What I liked about the lesson was…
Suggestions I have for improvement of the day include….
Lesson Tool 1.00-2.00pm Lunch Break 2.00-4.00pm Lesson 4: School Emergencies and Safety a) Principles of basic First Aid: Webinar Responding to an emergency Incident Immediate (primary) casualty assessment of Webinar An expert from the School of Nursing
an injured person Manage a medical emergency Approach to an Unconscious casualty with signs of life Unconscious casualty following fainting, low blood sugar, poisoning & intoxication A fitting casualty Unconscious casualty without signs of life b) Management of injured persons A compromised airway Compromised breathing External Bleeding Internal Bleeding (with signs of shock) Broken bones Suspected fracture of the pelvis and ribs Soft tissue injuries (sprains, strains, muscle pull) Reflection of the lesson I learned that… I need to learn more about. What I liked about the day was… Suggestions I have for improvement of the day include…. Day 5 Chapter 5: Instructional Leadership and Financial literacy Lesson 1: concept of instructional leadership for teachers KWL Know Want to Learn Exposition Group tasks Group processing One thing I have learned One thing I have contributed to the group Reflection of the lesson I learned that… I need to learn more about. What I liked about the day was… LMS Lesson Tool
Suggestions I have for improvement of the day include…. Lesson 2: Roles of teachers as instructional leaders and administrators KWL Know Want to Learn Exposition Group tasks Group processing One thing I have learned One thing I have contributed to the group Reflection of the lesson I learned that… I need to learn more about. What I liked about the day was… Suggestions I have for improvement of the day include…. 10.00-10.30am Health Break Lesson 3: Technology Designer for Learning KWL Know Want to Learn Exposition Group tasks Group processing One thing I have learned One thing I have contributed to the group Reflection of the lesson I learned that… I need to learn more about. What I liked about the day was… Suggestions I have for improvement of the lesson include…. LMS Lesson Tool 1.00-2.00pm Lunch Break 2.00-3.30pm Lesson 4: Concept of Financial Literacy KWL Know Want to Learn Exposition Group tasks Group processing LMS Lesson Tool
One thing I have learned One thing I have contributed to the group Reflection of the lesson I learned that… I need to learn more about. What I liked about the day was… Suggestions I have for improvement of the lesson include…. Lesson 5: Financial terminologies and Application Know Want to Learn Exposition Group tasks Group processing One thing I have learned One thing I have contributed to the group Reflection of the lesson I learned that… I need to learn more about. What I liked about the day was… Suggestions I have for improvement of the lesson include….
1) -Presentation Seminars…20 TPD points
2) -Reflective journal…..20 TPD points
3) -Teacher Professional portfolio…20 TPD points
Seminars and reflective journal done during training and uploaded in the LMS for grading
TP Portfolio …School activities during the term and uploaded in the LMS for grading