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Why would a happily married woman cheat on her husband? See the reasons here

Why would a happily married woman cheat on her husband?

A lot of people assume that happily married women never cheat on their husbands. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Far too many women cheat on the man they sincerely love and desperately adore. While I’m not condoning infidelity, let me share three possibilities for this phenomenon.

One, infidelity is a crime of opportunity. Many happily married couples don’t plan to cheat on their partners but they also don’t strongly resist cheating opportunities especially when they are doing projects away from home.

Lust is simply a manifestation of our fallen nature.

Two, most couples get bored with each other more than they’d care to admit. Marriage for many is simply a life necessity rather than an adventure.

It doesn’t take a lot of effort for a cunning outsider to excite a married woman so long as she feels her cheating-mate won’t burst her bubble.

Three, emotional negligence. The man in her life may be a great guy but he doesn’t appreciate her body, clothes or contribution.

Even bedtime is taken for granted. He never says, ‘thank you.’ Such a woman’s heart can be melted by someone at work who compliments her looks, shape and dressing.

While infidelity is not excusable, both parties have a duty in making their marriage vibrant and adventurous.

We must be intentional in spicing up romance in marriage and deliberately appreciate each other even for what seems small and obvious.

Make every day count as though you were fresh daters.


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