The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development, KICD, Logo.
The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development, KICD, Logo.

Junior Secondary School learners (Grade 7 to 9) to take 12 compulsory subjects out of the14 – KICD Says

Learners joining Junior secondary schools (at grade 7) will be taking 14 subjects out of which 12 subjects will be compulsory. This is according to latest curriculum design by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD).

According to KICD, the 14 subjects include English, Kiswahili, mathematics, integrated science, health education, pre-technical and pre-career, social studies, religious education, business studies, agriculture, life skills education, physical education/sports, and foreign languages.

The 12 core subjects which will be taught, include Mathematics, Kiswahili, English, Life Skills, Health Education, Social Studies, Integrated Science, Business Studies, Religious Education, Agriculture and Sports & Physical Education.

Optional subjects provided to learners include at least one and utmost two subjects from the following subjects: Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Home Science, Computer Science, Foreign Languages-German, French, Mandarin, Arabic, Kenya Sign Language and Indigenous Languages.

According to KICD, Pre-technical and pre-career studies is a subject that helps the learner prepare for technical and engineering studies, and career and technology studies.

“This will equip the learner with foundational knowledge, that is a prerequisite to specialise in subjects such as metalwork, woodwork, electricity, aviation technology, building construction, power mechanics, leatherwork, culinary arts, hairdressing and beauty therapy, marine and fisheries, manufacturing and media technology at senior school,” the curriculum design reads.

Lessons to take 40 minutes

According to KICD the learners will undertake 45 lessons per week, which will be taught for a 40 -minute duration each.

In the KICD guidelines English, and mathematics will have the highest number of hours with each subject having five lessons every week; totalling to 200 minutes of study time.