Advertised KICD jobs for teachers 2022 – Requirements, How To Apply

The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development whose mandate is to evaluate, vet and approve the curricular and curriculum support materials for basic and tertiary education, as well as offering curriculum based consultancy services in basic and tertiary education and training wishes to recruit qualified Professionals for various vacant positions.


Those interested for the outlined positions below should forward their application letter, academic and professional certificates, testimonials, up-to-date curriculum vitae and ID card to the Institute to be received not later than 4th April, 2022.

Here are the KICD vacancies 

1. Deputy Director- Publishing and Publication.

2. Deputy Director, E-Learning.

3. Senior Principal Curriculum Development Officer, Research and Knowledge Management.

4. Senior Principal Curriculum Development Officer, Primary Education.

5. Assistant Director, Quality Assurance.

6. Principal Curriculum Development Officer-TVE (Business Education).

7. Principal Curriculum Development Officer-TVE (Vocational Education).

8. Principal Curriculum Development Officer, SNE, Hearing Impaired.

9. Principal Curriculum Development Officer, SNE, Visually Impaired.

10. Principal Curriculum Development Officer-Pre-Primary and Primary Education, Mathematics.

11. Principal Curriculum Development Officer-Pre-Primary and Primary Education, Religious Education.

12. Principal Curriculum Development Officer-Secondary Education, Chemistry.

13. Principal Curriculum Development Officer-Secondary Education, Biology.

14. Principal Curriculum Development Officer-Secondary Education, Mathematics.

15. Principal Curriculum Development Officer-Secondary Education, Religious.

16. Principal Curriculum Development Officer – Secondary Education, Agriculture.

17. Principal Curriculum Development Officer-Secondary Education, Geography.

18. Principal Curriculum Development Officer-Secondary Education, French.

19. Principal Printer.

20. Curriculum Development Officer – ECD, Mathematics.

21. Curriculum Development Officer –SNE(Intellectual Disability and Autism).

22. Curriculum Development Officer- Arabic.

23. Curriculum Development Officer- Biology.

24. Curriculum Development Officer- Chemistry.

25. Curriculum Development Officer- Fine Arts.

26. Curriculum Development Officer- Hairdressing and Beauty (CTS).

27. Curriculum Development Officer- Hindu Religious Education.

28. Curriculum Development Officer- Fashion and Interior Design.

29. Curriculum Development Officer- Theatre and Elocution(Performing Arts).

30. Legal Officer.

31. Assistant Printer.

Interested applicants should forward their application letter, academic and
professional certificates,testimonials, uptodate curriculum vitae and ID card to
the address below to be received not later than 4th April, 2022.
All applicants should give full details of their address including mobile telephone numbers as well as names and addresses of two referees.
Details of these positions can be obtained from KICD Website:
The Director/Chief Executive,
Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development,
P.O. Box 30231–00100
N/B: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and any canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification. We encourage people with disability and the
marginalized to apply.

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