Reasons why the government has fewer options other than postponing national examinations

Reasons why the government must postpone the national examinations

Well, for now it is clear to see that the government will have no better option other than to reschedule the national Examinations.
This is likely going to affect the academic calendar and the government at large. Remember the government has already budgeted for this examinations so it means that the exams have already been set and ready to be printed abroad.
Below are some of the reasons why the county is going to postpone the exams.

  1. The Corona Virus pandemic
    As at now, no one knows the fate of the Corona Virus because to this far there is no curative drug or vaccine that has been designed and approved to work against the virus. The nation is still recording more cases as days pass and this is going to be difficult because.

    Education CS Prof. George Magoha. He has extended the April holiday for learners by one Month.

    Education CS Prof. George Magoha.

  2. Syllabus Coverage
    Despite the Education CS Professor George Magoha stating that the students will be given more time to complete their syllabus before being tested, this therefore means more time for students to learn and the examination date is getting nearer, so it is likely going to be impossible for the exams to be done on the same date it was planned for. The Government has options to test the candidates on the areas they have covered meaning the students will not have learned everything they are needed to cover.
  3. The exams are printed in United Kingdom
    The examinations are printed in the United Kingdom a hard hit country due to Corona Virus pandemic which means lesser people are working. The KNEC officials in charge of the printing process cannot travel to the UK making it almost impossible for the exams to be printed. The government has options to print the exams locally in which despite it being cheaper, exam leakages is likely going to be rampant underrating the role of an examinations.
  4.  KCSE  Projects.
    KCPE exams may not be postponed but for KCSE, the exams have to be pushed forward, reason is the KCSE projects.
    Projects are not subjected to be set and examined on the same day like the other subjects. Projects take up to six months as they require observations at every stage. These projects include those for Agriculture, Home Science, Computer and Workshop. Its either the exams won’t be tested or the students have to be given more time.
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