Here is a list of available teaching vacancies; on Board of Management, BOM, terms. For most vacancies, the applicant must: Be a holder of Diploma in Education or Bachelors Degree in Education (For secondary schools) and posses a Teachers Service Commission, TSC, registration number.
School: St. Raphael’s Chebiemit Boys’ High School.
Vacancies: Kiswahili/ Any other (1 post).
Phone: 0722 526 874
E-mail: [email protected]
Application deadline: Tuesday 7th May, 2019; Before 4.00pm.
Address: P.O Box 08-30706, Chebiemit.
School: Lawason High School
Vacancies: Biology/ Mathematics (1 post).
Phone: 0712 521 151 (Principal)
E-mail: [email protected]
Application deadline: Monday 6th May, 2019.
Address: P.O Box 1266, Kitui.
School: Chebilat Boys’ High School.
Vacancies: Mathematics/ Business Studies (1 post), Mathematics/ Chemistry (1 post), English/ Literature (1 post) and History/ Kiswahili (1 post).
Phone: E-mail: [email protected]
Application deadline: Tuesday 7th May, 2019.
Address: P.O Box 77- 20214, Kapkatet.
School: Mutuini High School
Vacancies: Computer Studies with either Mathematics or Physics
Phone: 0722 602 605/ 0713 544 923/ 0727 548 257/ 0722 648 729.
E-mail: [email protected]
Application deadline: Tuesday 7th May, 2019
Address: P.O Box 24893- 0052, Nairobi.
School: Chebisaas Boys High School
Vacancies: Agriculture/ Any other.
Phone: 0721 999 144
E-mail: [email protected]
Application deadline: Not specified. But, interviews scheduled for Tuesday 7th May, 2019.
Address: P.O Box 3778, Eldoret.
School: Maragua Secondary School
Vacancies: Office Secretary (1 post).
Phone: 0708 147 081
E-mail: [email protected]
Application deadline: Tuesday 7th May, 2019.
Address: P.O Box 179- 10205, Maragua.
School: Oriwo Boys’ High School
Vacancies: Biology/ Chemistry (2 posts), Biology/ Agriculture (1 post), Mathematics/ Physics (1 post), Kiswahili/ CRE (2 posts), English/ Literature (1 post) and History/ Business (1 post).
Phone: 0706 056 652
Application deadline: Monday 6th May, 2019.
Address: P.O Box 1- 40304, Kandiege.