- Bachelor of Music
- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Geoinformatics)
- Bachelor of Architecture
- Bachelor of Arts International Relation And Diplomacy
- Bachelor of Built Environment (Urban & Regional Planning)
- Bachelor of Commerce
- Bachelor of Economics
- Bachelor of Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Geospatial Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Technology ( Construction Management)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Technology (Analytical Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Technology (Applied Biology)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Technology (Biotechnology-Medical Option)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Technology (Civil Engineering Technology)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Technology (Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Technology (Geo-Informatics Engineering Technology)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Technology (Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering Technology)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Technology (Printing Technology)
- Bachelor of Philosophy in Technology(Surveying Technology)
- Bachelor of Philosophy Technology (Medical Laboratory Technology)
- Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry)
- Bachelor of Science (Building & Construction Management)
- Bachelor of Science (Counseling Psychology)
- Bachelor of Science (Event and Convention Management)
- Bachelor of Science (Hospitality Management)
- Bachelor of Science (Information Science)
- Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
- Bachelor of Science (Quantity Survey)
- Bachelor of Science (Urban Design & Development)
- Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
- Bachelor of Science in Land Administration
- Bachelor of Technology (Applied Biology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Applied Statistics)
- Bachelor of Technology (Biotechnology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Building And Construction)
- Bachelor of Technology (Business Information Technology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Chemical Engineering)
- Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering Technology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Communication and Computer Networks)
- Bachelor of Technology (Community and Public Health)
- Bachelor of Technology (Computer Technology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Construction Management)
- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical & Electronic Engineering Technology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Food Science and Technology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Geoinformation Technology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Geoinformation Engineering Technology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Geo-Information Technology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Geospatial Engineering Technology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Hotel & Restaurant Management)
- Bachelor of Technology (Industrial & Applied Chemistry)
- Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Institutional Management)
- Bachelor of Technology (Journalism & Mass Communication)
- Bachelor of Technology (Land Surveying Technology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering Technology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Medical Laboratory Technology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Nutrition & Dietetics)
- Bachelor of Technology (Office Administration & Technology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Property Management & Real Estates)
- Bachelor of Technology (Science Laboratory Technology)
- Bachelor of Technology (Technical & Applied Physics)
- Bachelor of Technology (Tourism Management)
- Bachelor of Technology in Design
- Bachelor of Technology in Environment Resource Management
- Bachelor in Music
- Bachelor of Technology (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)