2023 KCPE Candidates 2024 Form 1 Placements
To check the secondary school you have been admitted to online, and to download the admission letter; Click here: https://education.go.ke/index.php/online-services/form-one-selection and enter the Index number as per the category of school. Also enter the county and sub-county that the candidate sat for KCPE and follow the instructions.
Download and print your admission letter and present it to the school where you did your KCPE for endorsement.
Remember to carry along your passport size photos, and results slip for endorsement at the school too before presentation to the secondary school where you are required to report.
Secondary School Form One Selection. How to check the school you have been admitted to. Form One intake. List of admission into either National, County & Extra-County schools. www.education.go.ke/ form 1 selection website!
Or send SMS to 22263.
Extra county schools are the former high-performing provincial schools.
Form One Selection 2022 – Secondary School Form One Selection rules and results. Form 1 selection 2022 for 2021 KCPE Pupils.
Form 1 Selection – Form One Selection Confirmation by SMS & Online
- Admission letters are posted on the Education ministry website www.education.go.ke.
- However, parents can check the schools their children have been selected to join by sending an SMS to 22263.
- You are required to SMS with the candidate’s Index Number to 22263 from any network.
- To check for admission letters online, log on to www.education.go.ke, select the county and sub-county the candidate sat KCPE then key in your index number and submit.
- To complete the process, click on the admission letter at the bottom of the page.How to check the secondary school (form one selection) you have been admitted to via SMS and online:
- To check the secondary school you have been admitted to online, and to download the admission letter; Click here: https://education.go.ke/index.php/online-services/form-one-selection and enter the Index number as per the category of school. Also enter the county and sub-county that the candidate sat for KCPE and follow the instructions.
- To check the secondary school you have been admitted to via SMS, send an SMS with your Index Number to 22263 from any network. Cost of SMS is Kenya Shillings 25!