TSC Teacher Interns Vacancies application online at hrmis.tsc.go.ke
TSC online system for vacancies applications.
The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, invites Applications from qualified candidates to fill 6,674 teacher internship posts in public primary and secondary schools in Kenya.

The posts include 1,998 for primary schools and 4,876 for secondary schools.

How to apply online for TSC internship vacancies online:


To apply for the posts, online, follow the procedure below:

  1. Visit the TSC Website by using the link http://hrmis.tsc.go.ke; or https://tsc.go.ke/
  2. From the Menu, select Careers followed by Teachers/ Secretariat. Next, click on ‘Apply for Teachers Internship Position.’
  3. In the screen displayed, Type in the TSC No, ID number and mobile and choose your selection either primary or secondary by clicking the drop down menu as shown below and click ok.
  4. An SMS from TSC will be sent to your line. Type in the sms code and click ‘OK’
  5. In the displayed, Click on Apply/view. Fill in your details, correctly.
  6. Next, Choose the Ref from the drop down and fill the other details not auto filled and click ok. Click ‘YES’ on the next screen.
  7. A screen will then be displayed showing the list of applications done by applicants.
    NOTE: The teacher can make several application in different counties/sub counties.


Also read:

For Secondary school teachers vacancies, follow the procedure below:

  1. Visit the TSC Website by using the link http://hrmis.tsc.go.ke; or https://tsc.go.ke/
  2. From the Menu, select Careers followed by Teachers/ Secretariat. Next, click on ‘Apply for Teachers Internship Position.’
  3. In the screen displayed, Type in the TSC No, ID number and mobile and choose your selection either primary or secondary by clicking the drop down menu as shown below and click ok.
  4. An SMS from TSC will be sent to your line. Type in the sms code and click ‘OK’
  5. In the displayed, Click on Apply/view. Fill in your details, correctly.
  6. Choose the Ref from the drop down list as shown and fill the other details not auto filled and click ok.
  7. Click the button +click here to apply a school.
  8. Choose the subjects, county, sub county and school and click ok.
  9. The teacher can apply for several vacancies. CLICK OK.
  10. When done, a pop up screen ‘Job Application’ will be displayed. Click on ‘Yes’ to submit your application.

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