- 2006 P1
- c) i) died, pride
Knew, few, dew
Spread, said
Do, too (2marks)
- ii) Only five
They emphasize her tender age. (2marks)
iii) One would say the last two lines as a question, hence use a failing intonation.
Should be said with a sad tone showing disappointment or regret. (2marks)
- 2006 P2
- (a) The person is probably in prison/ detention or some form of
confinement. The persona is longing to get out. “When I get out he or
she has been held in inhuman conditions. (3 marks)
(b) By “ touch “ he/she means being treated like a human being, loving and being loved. “Touch” means the freedom to express his or her emotions freely, spontaneously.
“touch” the literal, physical touch. (3 marks) ( gets only 1 mark)
(c) During the seven years of confinement, the persona has been treated like a pariah. He/ she says, I’ve learnt to know the meaning of untouchable. The persona has also been brutalized. He/ she was subjected to extreme violence. “ fierce mad fists, beating…” Finally, the persona experienced utmost indignity. He/ she was humiliated and denied any form of privacy ….” Searching – arms up, shoes off, legs apart …. Probing away all privacy.”
(any two illustrated points 2 marks each = 4 marks)
(d) The word “ paws” vividly describes the beastly behaviour of the tormentors. Animals like hyenas and lions have paws which they use to tear their prey to pieces. The word reveals the cruelty visited on the persona and the attempts to disfigure and mutilate him/ her physically and emotionally. (2 marks)
(e) The pot uses repetition to emphasize his message. The word “ touch”, for example is repeated more than ten times- both to explain the kind of touch that is desirable and that which is resented. Also emphasis through the enumeration and the pauses. ( one …. Two…) (2 marks)
(f) Prodding – poking, jabbing (1mark)
Indifferent- callous, inhuman, beastly) (1 mark)
(g) The poem reveals that human beings abhor confinement, brutality and all forms of degrading treatment. On the other hand, people crave for human warmth, affection, privacy and freedom. When one is denied the latter, one in a way “ dies”. The persona says: “ I want to feel alive again.”
- 2007 Question 3
- The poem is about a bird is It is confined and denied freedom. It cannot enjoy the ordinary pleasures of nature- the sunshine, the breeze or the perfume from flowers. The bird struggles to liberate itself and hurts itself in the process. At another level, the poem is depicting the misery of those who are denied freedom. They suffer physical and psychological torture. The persona sympathizes with the victims and condemns those who conspire to subject others to a life of slavery/ detention. Imprisonment/ confinement.
- (i) In the first stanza, the poet focuses on the feelings of the prisoner, feelings
of alienation from all that is natural and desirable, feelings of nostalgia for days
when he or she enjoyed freedom.
(ii) The second stanza describes the attempts by the bird ( or prisoner) to
escape. The struggle is bloody. It seems that efforts to escape are met with
brutality. Words like “ blood”, “pain” and “scars” reflect the torment undergone
by the victim ( 2 marks)
(iii) The third stanza focuses on prayer. Other means have not yielded results, so the bird ( or prisoner) appeals for intervention from other sources. Perhaps a superior force will step in and liberate the bird.
- The persona sympathizes with the caged A word like “aias” expresses pity. The persona also graphically describes the feelings and sufferings of the bird. This elicits pity from the reader.
Bird feels….” He/ she has put himself/ herself in the shoes of the bird. The persona speaks as if he/ she shares the pain experienced by the bird. The persona says, “…. a pain still throbs….” As if he/ she can feel the pain. The persona also has feelings of hope, hope that the caged bird will one day experience freedom. (4 marks)
- From the poem , it is possible to infer that the persona has had a very tough He/ she has probably suffered at the hands of cruel oppressors, been denied freedom and tortured. This is why the persona says. I know….” The persona probably fought and prayed for freedom. He/ she may have suffered physical and psychological injury ( 3 marks)
- The simile in the first stanza is “……… the river flows like a stream of glass”. The simile is used to show what the bird yearns for but cannot have. The river represents a life of freedom, flowing without It stands for natural beauty that the caged bird is denied. ( 2 marks)
- (i) And the faint perfume from its petals steals. This means that the flowers produce a sweet smell that gives much joy. However, in its cage, the bird cannot have such luxury while other birds out there enjoy the perfume. (2 marks)
(ii) and they pulse again with a keener sting: this line refers to the excruciating pain suffered by the bird as it tries to free itself. Every time it beats wings, the old wounds become sore and cause much pain. (1 mark)
- 2008
- i) pay, day
grief, relief
end, friend
release, peace
bought, thought
best, interest(3marks)
This is a poem in which the persona expresses regret and despair for something foolish he or she has done in a moment of reckless excitement. Whatever it was has resulted in a lifetime of suffering and gloom. The tone should bring out the sorrow, desperation as well as resignation the tone is likely to be solemn or somber or poignant identification. (1mark)
The punctuation in the second stanza three years of pause. The dash represents a significant pause, creates suspense because it is not easy to anticipate what the persona will say next. The comma is a short pause which gives the speaker time to catch his or her breath. The full stop is a final punctuation mark and in this stanza, it seems t tell us that the speaker’s fate is sealed, final. There seems to be no possibility for appeal Ironically, only death will bring some relief. (3marks)
The last line of the poem would be said in a voice that expresses surprise or even shock at the realization of the pride the persona has to pay. Perhaps the voice would be raised, the eye wide open and the words ’God and “ Interest” articulated with a lot of emphasis. The exclamation marks show that this line would reveal the fact that the persona still cannot believe what has happened (2marks)
- 2008 P2
- The poem is about a major disturbance e.g. political disturbance such as coup detat political upheaval, ethnic clashes e.g. traumatic experience/ turbulence at personal level such as divorce, tape, death of a loved Return to apparent fence (3 marks)
- The greenery implies peacefulness/ peace whether at the individual or political The yellow sots implies possibility of danger or turbulence. Things are not as tranquil or peaceful as they seem
Red is imminent violence/ turbulence. Up heaved
- Any two of the following
Personification e.g. rests, “ occupies” fleeing”
Symbols e.g. “pond” for country of one life, “stone” for the cause of the turbulence and leaves a permanent scar/ reminder/ aftermath
Repetition e.g. “ripples” “ the red”
Onomatopoeia e.g. splash, ripples, rushing……
Alteration e.g hand in hand convey harmony”
“ reflection regain” “ stirring surges”
- sad/tragic/ pessimistic/ ironic/ stoical/ resigned/ identification
although life may seem calm and peaceful on the surface, there is a possibility of disturbance or turbulence ( 3 mark)
- the cause of the turbulence/ ripples is permanent
- Surges- move forward in a wave – like manner
Fade- lose strength/ vigour
Tranquil – calm, quiet, motionless (3 marks)
- 2012 Q3a P1
(a) (i) ab ab cd cd ef ef gg
Accept rhyming pairs
Hogs die brave spot shed pack
Dogs defy grave lot dead back
- 2012
– Thematic statement: The poem talks about a corrupt leader/ .poor leadership/
immoral/ abuse or misuse of office √1
He flirts with his secretaries in a disrespectful manner √1.
-He is immoral having several children with helpless innocent girls and boasting of it
as being a God – given mission/l
He exploits his workers by underpaying then: while he pretends to be overworked and
underpaid himself. √1 Any two illustrations – 2×1
- – Who laugh subserviently to conceal their indignation (and grudging envy) √2
- – it is a simile √1
- It brings out the evil nature of the boss/his greedy nature/he is a dangerous
person/he is exploitative/he is inactive/immobile/inefficient/lazy; √1
- Further explanation of the above points √1
- – He is referred to as a good – natured person who should be respectful to his
juniors, yet he shamelessly flirts with his secretaries patting their hips.
- He paints a picture of being industrious but he is hardly aware of his work working for a short time in the office only to leave at 11.30am.
- He claims to be overworked and underpaid yet this is exactly the opposite. It is his juniors who are overworked.
- He is generous, but generous not on positive virtues but on vices. He has fathered children with innocent girls claiming to be a God – sent mission to fill the earth.
- He is said to be a perfect paragon of leadership yet he is Fiddled with corruption, immorality and poor leadership.
- Any 2 points = 4marks
- No contrast = zero
- – Oblivion. – in a daydream/ staring into nothingness/being in a state of
fantasy/sleepiness/ state of being unconscious of what is going on around
- Guileless – innocent/gullible/naive/unsuspecting √1
- God – sanctioned mission – Divine / God – given right √1
- – guileless girls
– perfect paragon
-.Leaves for lunch
-marry me
- secretaries in tight skirts
The sounds must be identified e.g. underline. If no = zero
- – Bring cut the irony of such leadership.
- it is a satire of society’s leadership
- Repetition of the lines emphasize the hypocrisy of the leader.