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TSC circular guiding deployment of P1 teachers to Junior Secondary

TSC extends 2025 P1 to JSS deployment application after low turn up

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has extended the online application exercise for deployment of primary school teachers to junior secondary schools (JSS). TSC will from...
Mwalimu National Sacco in Kenya

List of Licensed and Authorized Sacco Societies In Kenya 2025 {Official}

List of Licensed and Authorized Sacco Societies In Kenya 2025 {Official} Here is a list of all Licensed and Authorized Sacco Societies In Kenya for...
Minet Contacts

Aon Minet asks Teachers to add dependants {Ultimate Guide}

Teachers who wish to make changes on their dependants can now proceed with the updates. The medical service provider AON Minet has given teachers...
TSC interdiction letter.

TSC interdiction letter

An interdiction letter is given to a teacher during the TSC discipline process. After investigation has been carried out on allegations against a teacher,...
Teachers Service Commission, TSC, Chief Executive Officer Dr Nancy Njeri Macharia. She is also the Secretary to the Commission

Teachers smile all the way to the bank as TSC pays salaries with tax...

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has finally released teachers January salaries. Some banks and Saccos have already credited the monies into teachers accounts. Banks like...
Latest TSC news. Get all the latest TSC news on recruitment, transfers, leave processing, promotions and salaries here

8,000 teachers transfered as TSC implements staff balancing

8,000 teachers transfered as TSC implements staff balancing About eight thousand (8,000) primary school teachers have been affected by transfers after Teachers Service Commission (TSC)...
2025 TSC Promotions Interviews Score sheet for Secondary School teachers

2025 TSC promotion interview scoresheet for secondary school teachers

2025 TSC promotion interview scoresheet for secondary school teachers The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) kicked off promotion interviews for post primary school teachers on Monday...

TSC asked to retool all P1 Primary Schools’ Teachers & be deployed to teach...

The government through Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has been urged to retool the P1 teachers in primary section to handle crisis of teacher shortage...

National Bank of Kenya (NBK) TSC Teachers’ Loan Amounts & Monthly Repayment Schedule

National Bank of Kenya (NBK) TSC Teachers' Loan Amounts & Monthly Repayment Schedule NBK UPL MONTHLY REPAYMENT SCHEDULE No. of Years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No. of Months 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 Interest Loan Amt 17.8% 50,000 4,579 2,491 1,803 1,464 1,264 1,135 1,045 980 932 894 75,000 6,869 3,737 2,704 2,195 1,896 1,702 1,568 1,470 1,397 1,342 100,000 9,158 4,983 3,605 2,927 2,528 2,269 2,090 1,960 1,863 1,789 150,000 13,738 7,474 5,408 4,391 3,793 3,404 3,135 2,940 2,795 2,683 200,000 18,317 9,966 7,210 5,854 5,057 4,539 4,180 3,920 3,726 3,578 250,000 22,896 12,457 9,013 7,318 6,321 5,674 5,225 4,901 4,658 4,472 300,000 27,475 14,948 10,816 8,781 7,585 6,808 6,270 5,881 5,590 5,367 400,000 36,634 19,931 14,421 11,708 10,114 9,078 8,360 7,841 7,453 7,156 500,000 45,792 24,914 18,026 14,635 12,642 11,347 10,450 9,801 9,316 8,945 550,000 50,372 27,405 19,829 16,099 13,907 12,482 11,495 10,781 10,248 9,839 600,000 54,951 29,897 21,631 17,562 15,171 13,617 12,540 11,761 11,179 10,734 700,000 64,109 34,879 25,237 20,489 17,699 15,886 14,631 13,722 13,042 12,523 800,000 73,268 39,862 28,842 23,416 20,228 18,156 16,721 15,682 14,906 14,312 900,000 82,426 44,845 32,447 26,344 22,756 20,425 18,811 17,642 16,769 16,101 1,000,000 91,585 49,828 36,052 29,271 25,285 22,695 20,901 19,602 18,632 17,890 1,100,000 100,743 54,810 39,657 32,198 27,813 24,964 22,991 21,562 20,495 19,679 1,200,000 109,902 59,793 43,263 35,125 30,342 27,234 25,081 23,523 22,358 21,468 1,300,000 119,060 64,776 46,868 38,052 32,870 29,503 27,171 25,483 24,222 23,257 1,400,000 128,219 69,759 50,473 40,979 35,399 31,773 29,261 27,443 26,085 25,046 1,500,000 137,377 74,741 54,078 43,906 37,927 34,042 31,351 29,403 27,948 26,835 1,600,000 146,536 79,724 57,683 46,833 40,456 36,312 33,441 31,363 29,811 28,624 1,700,000 155,694 84,707 61,289 49,760 42,984 38,581 35,531 33,324 31,674 30,413 1,800,000 164,853 89,690 64,894 52,687 45,513 40,851 37,621 35,284 33,538 32,202 1,900,000 174,011 94,672 68,499 55,614 48,041 43,120 39,711 37,244 35,401 33,991 1,950,000 178,590 97,164 70,302 57,078 49,305 44,255 40,757 38,224 36,332 34,885 2,000,000 183,170 99,655 72,104 58,541 50,570 45,390 41,802 39,204 37,264 35,780 2,100,000 192,328 104,638 75,710 61,468 53,098 47,659 43,892 41,165 39,127 37,569 2,200,000 201,487 109,621 79,315 64,395 55,626 49,929 45,982 43,125 40,990 39,358 2,300,000 210,645 114,603 82,920 67,322 58,155 52,198 48,072 45,085 42,854 41,147 2,400,000 219,804 119,586 86,525 70,249 60,683 54,468 50,162 47,045 44,717 42,936 2,500,000 228,962 124,569 90,130 73,176 63,212 56,737 52,252 49,005 46,580 44,725 2,600,000 238,121 129,552 93,736 76,104 65,740 59,007 54,342 50,966 48,443 46,514 2,700,000 247,279 134,534 97,341 79,031 68,269 61,276 56,432 52,926 50,306 48,303 2,800,000 256,438 139,517 100,946 81,958 70,797 63,546 58,522 54,886 52,170 50,092 2,900,000 265,596 144,500 104,551 84,885 73,326 65,815 60,612 56,846 54,033 51,881 3,000,000 274,755 149,483 108,156 87,812 75,854 68,085 62,702 58,806 55,896 53,670 3,100,000 283,913 154,465 111,762 90,739 78,383 70,354 64,792 60,767 57,759 55,459 3,200,000 293,071 159,448 115,367 93,666 80,911 72,624 66,882 62,727 59,622 57,248 3,300,000 302,230 164,431 118,972 96,593 83,440 74,893 68,973 64,687 61,486 59,037 3,400,000 311,388 169,414 122,577 99,520 85,968 77,163 71,063 66,647 63,349 60,826 3,500,000 320,547 174,396 126,183 102,447 88,497 79,432 73,153 68,608 65,212 62,615 3,600,000 329,705 179,379 129,788 105,374 91,025 81,702 75,243 70,568 67,075 64,404 3,700,000 338,864 184,362 133,393 108,301 93,554 83,971 77,333 72,528 68,938 66,193 3,800,000 348,022 189,345 136,998 111,228 96,082 86,241 79,423 74,488 70,802 67,982 3,900,000 357,181 194,327 140,603 114,155 98,611 88,510 81,513 76,448 72,665 69,771 4,000,000 366,339 199,310 144,209 117,082 101,139 90,779 83,603 78,409 74,528 71,560 4,100,000 375,498 204,293 147,814 120,009 103,667 93,049 85,693 80,369 76,391 73,349 4,200,000 384,656 209,276 151,419 122,936 106,196 95,318 87,783 82,329 78,254 75,138 4,300,000 393,815 214,258 155,024 125,864 108,724 97,588 89,873 84,289 80,118 76,927 4,400,000 402,973 219,241 158,629 128,791 111,253 99,857 91,963 86,249 81,981 78,716 4,500,000 412,132 224,224 162,235 131,718 113,781 102,127 94,053 88,210 83,844 80,505 4,600,000 421,290 229,207 165,840 134,645 116,310 104,396 96,144 90,170 85,707 82,294 4,700,000 430,449 234,189 169,445 137,572 118,838 106,666 98,234 92,130 87,570 84,083 4,800,000 439,607 239,172 173,050 140,499 121,367 108,935 100,324 94,090 89,434 85,872 4,900,000 448,766 244,155 176,656 143,426 123,895 111,205 102,414 96,051 91,297 87,661 5,000,000 457,924 249,138 180,261 146,353 126,424 113,474 104,504 98,011 93,160 89,450 5,100,000 467,083 254,120 183,866 149,280 128,952 115,744 106,594 99,971 95,023 91,239 5,200,000 476,241 259,103 187,471 152,207 131,481 118,013 108,684 101,931 96,886 93,028 5,300,000 485,400 264,086 191,076 155,134 134,009 120,283 110,774 103,891 98,749 94,817 5,400,000 494,558 269,069 194,682 158,061 136,538 122,552 112,864 105,852 100,613 96,606 5,500,000 503,717 274,051 198,287 160,988 139,066 124,822 114,954 107,812 102,476 98,395 5,600,000 512,875 279,034 201,892 163,915 141,595 127,091 117,044 109,772 104,339 100,184 5,700,000 522,034 284,017 205,497 166,842 144,123 129,361 119,134 111,732 106,202 101,973 5,800,000 531,192 289,000 209,102 169,769 146,652 131,630 121,224 113,692 108,065 103,762 5,900,000 540,351 293,982 212,708 172,697 149,180 133,900 123,315 115,653 109,929 105,551 6,000,000 549,509 298,965 216,313 175,624 151,709 136,169 125,405 117,613 111,792 107,340

List of TSC Retired Teachers’ Pension Claims submitted to Treasury for payment in 2025

List of TSC Retired Teachers' Pension Claims submitted to Treasury for payment in 2025 PENSION CLAIMS SUBMITTED TO TREASURY ON 10TH JANUARY 2025 S/NO TSC NO TEACHER'S NAME GENDER DATE...