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The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, releases your salary through the preferred/ selected bank or Sacco. For the teacher to receive the monthly salary he/she must have a bank/ Sacco account. The Commission gets these details once you fill the TSC Bank Form. 

The TSC Bank Form is filled when a teacher is first employed and is sent together with other documents to the head office; after TSC interviews. A teacher may also wish to change the paypoint at any given time.


You may change your paypoint as often as you may like. For your salary to be diverted to the new bank/Sacco account, then you must;

  • First download the TSC Bank Form and Print it.
  • Fill in the paypoint form correctly and have it certified by your Principal/ Head Teacher. The TSC County or Sub County Director sign the Principal/ Head Teacher’s bank form.
  • Photocopy your new bank/Sacco account plate (ATM Card) both sides. This is the new account where you want your salary to be channeled to. Make sure the copy is clear and must also be certified by your Principal/ Head Teacher.
  • Attach your certified bank plate copy and National ID Copy to the completed TSC Bank Form.
  • Finally, send the documents to TSC Headquarters (enclosed in one envelope and addressed to the Secretary TSC, P.O Private Bag, Nairobi).

Kindly do not close your current account until salary starts to flow in through the new account. This will lead to bouncing back of your pay. Some teachers who rush to close the old accounts have gone for several months without pay.

If the TSC payroll is closed and you have closed your old account and your application for Pay-point change has not been effected, your local bank or Sacco returns the salary back to TSC. This process is long and involves a number of bureaucracies.

First, the floating salaries are reversed back to the Bank/ Sacco head office. After rigorous scrutiny, the bank/ Sacco then returns the salary to TSC Head Quarter. And this is done via written cheques that take long to be processed.

So, next time you wish to change your Pay Point, it is prudent that you be patient enough and do not rush to close the current account. Wait for about 3-4 months and if the salary is being sent to your bank account without any hitch, then consider closing the old account.

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