KCSE and KCPE exams 2024- Knec revises minimum number of candidates to be hosted in a centre upwards from the current 15
The Kenya National Examinations Council, Knec, has revised the minimum number of candidates required per centre for the National Examinations. The current minimum requirement for Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, and Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE, examinations is 15 candidates.
But, the Council has revised the minimum number of candidates to thirty.
“As guided by the Ministry of Education all Head Teachers of Primary Schools and Principals of Secondary Schools from both Private and Public Schools with less than thirty candidates will be hosted by an examination centre with more than thirty candidates during the 2021 KCPE and KCSE examinations.” Reads the latest circular from Knec.
Initially, the Council had announced that “Any school that has between 6 and 14 candidates will be hosted by another centre to be determined by the Sub County Director of Education”.
Schools with less than thirty candidates will now have to be hosted in nearby examination centres.
“The host school should be located within the Sub County where the hosted schools are. Both the host school and the hosted school(s) should be served from one distribution point (Container).” Adds the Council.
Knec further announces that during the conduct of the examination, the Host Head Teacher/Principal will be the only authorized officer to collect the examination materials from the container, coordinate the conduct and return the candidates answer scripts to the Container during each day of the examination.
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All Sub County Directors of Education are informed to submit the list of the host examination centres and hosted examination centres for the March/April 2021 KCPE and KCSE examinations by 15th August, 2021.
The Council has, at the same time, opened the portal for registration of the 2021 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) and KCPE examinations. The portal will remain open between 2nd June, 2021 and 31st July, 2021.
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