Officials from the Teachers Service Commission, TSC, will personally monitor teachers’compliance with the TPAD2 requirements. This is as per the latest circular from TSC.
See contents of the circular, below;
Dear Principals,
Re; TPAD 2 Monitoring and evaluation
The TSC has noted that TPAD2 is enforced for compliance rather than towards promoting teaching and learning. Scores on the tools are at variance with actual mean scores on internal and external examination.
The commission has subsequently dispatched a team of officers to interrogate the findings from 8.00 am.
Your are kindly asked to prepare all requisite documents on TPAD2 and ask all teachers to prepare .
Where evidence shall not be availed the teacher shall score 0.
A TPAD 2 Calendar of activities should have been downloaded and displayed on the wall of the Principal, Deputy Principal and Staffroom.