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How to download/ print your TPAD Appraisal Reports

How to download/ print your TPAD Appraisal Reports


Wondering how to get your TPAD Appraisal Reports? Worry no more. Here is the procedure on how to get your hardcopy appraisal report:

1. First, log into your TPAD account at: https://tpad2.tsc.go.ke/

2. Once logged in, select self appraisals and then Self Assessment.

3. Under my appraisals, check the correct year and scroll across the page.

4. Next, click on view appraisals at the far right.

5.ovr to the bottom of the page and select either ‘Print appraisal summary’ or ‘Print detailed Appraisal Summary’. Now, download or print the report.

6. If this procedure (#5) fails to work, simply press on Crtl + P to get a hard copy of the appraisal report.


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