TSC Latest News

TSC- A checklist of monthly TPAD documents to be maintained by Teachers

The Teachers Service Commission, TSC, appraises teachers by using the TEACHER PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND DEVELOPMENT (TPAD) tool. As a matter of fact, the Commission requires teachers to prepare, use, update and maintain a number of Teacher Professional Documents. These records are monitored on monthly basis by the head of institution; throughout the term.

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Here is the checklist of Teacher Professional Documents (Each document carries five, 5, marks):

  1. Current Personal time table as extracted from the master time table.
  2. Syllabus used for the teaching subjects.
  3. Approved schemes of work.
  4. Updated Lesson Plans.
  5. Updated Lesson Notes
  6. Records of Work that must be checked on weekly basis
  7. Mark books detailing each leaner’s performance in the teaching subjects
  8. Teaching subjects’ analysis for the National (KCPE or KCSE) examinations.
  9. Marked/ Checked Learners’ work; exercise books
  10. Daily class/ Lesson attendance register
  11. Co- curricular activity records
  12. Learners’ discipline management and guidance & counseling records
  13. Copies of subject/ departmental meeting minutes
  14. Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development Records
  15. Individualized Educational Programmes
  16. Professional Development activities
  17. Lesson Observation Records
  18. Activities with stake holders
  19. Integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching/ learning.
  20. Preparation of teaching aids that should be done by using locally available Resource materials.

Appraisal information on these documents should be filled onto a form provided by the Commission downloadable from the Commission’s official website; http://www.tsc.go.ke


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